
九層塔茄子炒肉碎 Fry Eggplants with minced pork and Thai Basil (惹味的家常菜)

Chinese delicacy: 芋頭香菇臘腸飯 Taro rice with Chinese sausage and Shiitake Mushroom

Korean Delicacy: Korean Stir-Fry noodle and vegetable (Japchae) 韓式炒粉絲

麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Tofu: 簡單又美味的家常菜

Seafood Risotto in Lobster Sauce 海鮮龍蝦湯煨飯 (簡易版,易做又美味)

Semi-Dried Oysters in Honey Sauce 蜜餞金蠔 : 為農曆新年預備的菜式

Bruno Sandwich Maker Recipe 三文治機食譜:夏威夷披薩 (鳳梨和火腿) Hawaiian Pizza (Pineapple and Ham)

Korean Delicacy: 韓式大豆芽 Seasoned Sprout in Korean Style

Fry Pumpkin with Bacon and Spring Onion 香蔥煙肉炒南瓜 ( 孩子一定喜歡的營養高又容易做的菜式)

Basic: How to Prepare Japanese Dashi 如何準備日式柴魚高湯

Braised rice noodle with pork and preserved potherb mustard 雪菜肉絲炆米粉

Thai Delicacy: 泰式臭草煎蛋 Thai Fried Egg with Cha Om (Thai herb)

Bruno Ice Cream Maker Recipe 冰淇淋機食譜: 薑汁雪糕 Ginger Ice Cream (美味辛辣的雪糕)