麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Tofu: 簡單又美味的家常菜


這食譜可製作出大約 4-5 人份量

硬豆腐 (一磚)
免治豬肉 * (半磅)
新鮮冬菇 (適量,切粒)
燈籠椒 (1 個,切粒)
* 豬肉先用少許醬油、糖、粟粉、水和油略醃
味噌 (1 湯匙)
蠔油 (1 湯匙)
醬油 (1 湯匙)
糖 (2 茶匙)
粟粉 (適量)
芝麻油 (適量)
豆瓣醬 (可選)

1. 中火略炒香蒜蓉
2. 加入醃好的免治豬肉,先把一面煎至有些金黃
3. 把免治豬肉翻到另一面,略炒,同時把豬肉散開
4. 當肉約 6成 熟時加入冬菇.香菇和甜椒同炒
5. 將一些熱水與味噌混合,讓其容易與其他材料混合
6. 將味噌加入炒好的免治豬肉
7. 用醬油、蠔油和糖調味
8. 炒至豬肉熟,然後加入豆腐,並切大塊
9. 將所有材料一起炒,直至豆腐也熟了
10. 用粟粉水勾芡
11. 加入少許麻油
12. 最後加入蔥和香菜,就完成啦!

1. 如喜歡辣的話,可以在第7步驟加入豆瓣醬
2. 豆腐也可以事先切粒和用熱水煮熟,之後在第8步驟加入再和其他材料略煮

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Ma Po Tofu in English~.~

SumLook loves Ma Po Tofu. Since my children can't take very spicy food, I have revised the recipe a bit. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/wl1yVItc8Is

This recipe can serve 4 persons.

Hard Tofu for frying (1 block)
Minced pork * (1/2 pounc)
Fresh Shitake Mushroom (some, diced)
Bell Pepper (1, diced)
Garlic(3 cloves, diced)
* Marinate pork with little soya sauce, sugar, cornstarch, water and oil

Miso paste (1 Tbsp)
Oyster Sauce (1 Tbsp)
Soya Sauce (1 Tbsp)
Sugar (2 tsp)
Cornstarch (some)
Sesame Oil (some)
Chili Bean Sauce (optional)

How to cook:
1. Fry minced garlic a bit over medium heat
2. Add in marinated minced pork, first fry one side until it is slightly golden
3. Fry the the other side, fry a bit and break the pork apart
4. Add in black mushroom and bell pepper when the meat is 60% cooked
5. Mix some hot water with miso paste to make it a bit liquidy
6. Add the miso into the minced pork being fried
7. Season with soya sauce, oyster sauce and sugar
8. Fry until the pork is cooked, then add in the tofu and cut into big chunks
9. Fry and mix all ingredients together until the tofu is cooked
10. Thicken the sauce by cornstarch solution
11. Add a little bit of sesame oil
12. Lastly add in spring onion and parsley, then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. If you like spiciness, can add in Chili Bean Sauce at the step 7
2. For Tofu, can also first diced it and then blanced with hot water, and then add in and mix with other ingredients at the step 8
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Happy cooking!
