Seafood Risotto in Lobster Sauce 海鮮龍蝦湯煨飯 (簡易版,易做又美味)


這食譜可製作出大約 4 人份的煨飯

盒裝龍蝦湯 (一盒,1000毫升) (看下圖)
意大利麵番茄醬 (4-5 湯匙)
洋蔥 (1 個,切絲)
櫻桃番茄 (10多個,隨意)
蝦 (8 尾)
帶子.扇貝 (4 個)
羅勒 (隨意,切絲)
白飯 (約用1.5杯米煮成的份量)
白酒 (100毫升)
帕瑪森芝士 (可選)

1. 中火略炒香洋蔥,加糖 (1 茶匙) 和鹽 (1/2 茶匙)調味,炒至洋蔥略軟
2. 炒至洋蔥變軟時,加入櫻桃番茄,略炒
3. 加入一半白酒 (50 毫升),煮至大部份酒已揮發掉
4. 加入龍蝦湯(記得要先搖勻才倒入)
5. 加入番茄醬,拌勻
6. 用糖 (1.5 茶匙)和 鹽 (1/2 茶匙)調味
7. 加入羅勒絲,拌勻,用中小火煮沸
8. 在待湯煮沸時,可開始煮海鮮
8.1 用廚房紙拍乾帶子和蝦,並用鹽和黑胡椒調味
8.2 用中火炒香蒜蓉
8.3 加入帶子和蝦,煎至一面金黃
8.4 翻到另一面,略煎
8.5 加入一半白酒 (50 毫升),煮至大部份酒已揮發掉
8.6 海鮮煮熟後取出備用
9. 當湯煮滾時,逐碗加入煮熟的米飯
10. 拌勻,煮至米飯吸收湯料,並只剩下一些湯汁
11. 上桌時,在燴飯上撒上一些黑胡椒,並放上海鮮
12. 最後加上羅勒點綴便完成了!



~.~Recipe of Seafood Risotto in Lobster Sauce in English~.~

SumLook loves Lobster soup but there are a lot to do for a home-made lobster soup. I saw this lobster soup at the grocery store and bought it to try out. Certainly the taste is not strong enough and I suddenly got an idea to add in the tomato sauce. And the taste is highly elevated. Since my kids like Lobster Soup, I used the same method to cook the sauce for the risotto. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video:

This recipe can serve 4 persons.

Lobster Soup in carton (1 carton, 1000 ml)(see pic below)
Tomato Sauce (4-5 Tbsp)
Onion (1, julienned)
Cherry tomatoes (10+, some)
Shrimp (8 pieces)
Scallop (4 pieces)
Basil (some, julienned)
Cooked rice (about 1.5 cups when uncooked)
White wine (100 ml)
Parmesan cheese (optional)
Garlic (3 cloves, sliced)

How to cook:
1. Fry the onion a bit over medium heat and season with sugar (1 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp). Fry until it is a bit soft
2. When the onion is softened, add in the cherry tomatoes, fry a bit
3. Add in half of white wine (50ml), cook until most wine is evaporated
4. Add in the lobster soup (remember to shake well beforehand)
5. Add in Tomato sauce, stir well
6. Season with sugar (1.5 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp)
7. Add in julienned Basil, stir well and boil over medium low heat
8. While waiting for the soup to boil, can start to cook the seafood
8.1 Pat dry scallop and shrimps, season them with salt and black pepper
8.2 Fry diced garlic over medium heat
8.3 Add in scallops and shrimps, fry until one side is golden
8.4 Turn to the other side and fry a bit
8.5 Add in half of white wine (50ml), cook until the wine is evaporated
8.6 Take out the seafood when it is cooked
9. When the soup boils, add in the cooked rice bowl by bowl
10. Mix well, cook until the rice absorbs the soup, only some liquid remains
11. When served, sprinkle some black pepper and add the seafood on the risotto
12. Lastly decorate with basil, then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. The ratio between the lobster soup and tomato sauce can be adjusted according to personal preference. You can adjust the taste by slowly adding in the tomato sauce into the lobster soup
2. If you would like to add in cheese, can do so in step 10. When the rice is almost ready, can add Parmesan cheese and let it melt a bit
3. Marinate the seafood right before you are about to cook them. Do not marinate for too long
4. If you like also lobster soup, the recipe can be used for lobster soup by justing removing the rice

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Happy cooking!
