
培根青蔥芝士司康 Bacon and Spring Onion Scone: 美味到不能停下來

菠菜芝士貝果 (加酸種) Spinach and Cheese Bagel with sourdough: 太好吃!

葡萄乾布里歐配核桃酥菠蘿 (免揉): Raisin Brioche with crumbles (No knead): 美味又易做,不用粘手

香料核桃酥菠蘿 Spiced Walnut Streusel (Crumbles)

南瓜濃湯 Pumpkin Soup

白汁雞皇醬 Chicken A La King

香菇蓮藕湯 Lotus Root with Shiitake Mushroom Soup

檸檬醬素菜意大利麵 Pasta with vegetables in lemon sauce: 清新美味的意大利麵

蔥油拌麵 Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion Oil: 芳香馥郁的美味蔥油

玉米培根麵包 Corn & Bacon Bread

日式黑芝麻貝果 Black Sesame Bagel in Japanese Style

荷蘭豆炒臘腸 Fry Snow Peas with Chinese Sausage

薯仔炆雞翼 Chicken wings and potato stew

海南雞醬菜飯 Rice in Hainanese chicken sauce with vegetable

白蘿蔔煎餅 Chinese Turnip Pancake : 蘿蔔糕愛好者的另一安慰

韓式涼拌菠菜 Seasoned Spinach in Korean Style

蒸冬菇荸薺肉餅 Steamed pork patty with water chestnut

白酒香煎蒜蓉蝦 Fried Shrimps with Garlic and White Wine

白菜木耳粉絲魚湯 Bok Choy and Black Fungus Fish Soup

鮮蝦草菇煨伊麵 Braised noodle with shrimps and mushrooms