
Green Peas and Ham Soup 火腿青豆湯

Chicken Wings in YuZu Honey Sauce 柚子蜜煎雞翼: 很容易又美味的家常菜

Bruno Sandwich Maker Recipe 三文治機食譜:香蕉甜餅 Banana Pancake

Steam Pork Ribs with fermented black beans 美味蒜蓉豆豉蒸排骨 (生熟蒜齊用更可口)

Thai Red Curry 泰式紅咖哩 (酸酸辣辣的,令人胃口大開)

Bruno Sandwich maker Recipe 三文治機食譜:蔥油餡餅 Spring Onion Pancake

Bruno Sandwich maker Recipe 三文治機食譜:蘋果派.蘋果批 (Apple Pie)

Apple and Pear Drink 蘋果雪梨水: 滋潤飲品

鴛鴦炒飯 Ying Yang Fried Rice: A popular local dish in Hong Kong

Smoked Chinese BBQ Pork (Char Siu): 煙燻蜜汁叉燒 (不用焗爐! 在家自製蜜汁叉燒)

Imitation Shark Fin Soup: 碗仔翅 (用羅漢果水煮碗仔翅,試過嗎? 超好吃 )

Creamy Corn Soup, Cream of Corn Soup: 玉米.粟米忌廉湯 (香滑, 容易食譜)

Cream of Broccoli Soup 西蘭花忌廉湯