這食譜可製作出大約 4-5人的份量
1. 已煮熟的飯(3-4 杯)
2. 雞蛋 (3 隻)
3. 蔥 (2-3 棵)
1. 蕃茄 (2-3 個)
2. 洋蔥 (1 個)
3. 雞肉 (2 塊雞胸肉)
4. 柚子醬油 (2 湯匙)*
5. 蕃茄汁 (5 湯匙)
6. 糖 (2 小匙)
7. 鹽 (1 小匙)
8. 上湯或水(1杯)
9. 白胡椒粉 (適量)
* 也可用醬油和醋代替
1. 蝦 (10 隻)
2. 芥蘭莖或青豆 (半杯)
3. 糖 (1 小匙)
4. 鹽 (1/2 小匙)
5. 淡奶(4 湯匙)**
6. 上湯或水(1杯)**
7. 白胡椒粉 (適量)
8. 米酒 (適量)
** 也可使用牛奶,如用牛奶,份量為1杯,並不用水開釋
1.1 用鹽、白胡椒粉和蔴油醃蝦
1.2 用醬油、白胡椒粉、粟粉和蔴油醃雞肉。加些水可讓雞肉更嫩,拌勻
2. 準備紅汁:把蕃茄汁、柚子醬油、糖、鹽和水混合
3. 準備白汁:淡奶、水、糖、鹽和白胡椒粉混合
4. 製作炒飯:
4.1 中火炒雞蛋
4.2 加入煮好的白飯,同炒
4.3 加入蔥花並加鹽調味,炒勻
4.4 把已完成的炒飯放入電飯鍋中保暖
5. 煮紅汁
5.1 炒洋蔥和番茄,用糖和鹽調味
5.2 加入己醃好的雞肉,炒至熟
5.3 加入先前準備的紅汁,如有需要,再加一些水
5.4 煮至醬汁沸騰,有需要時可再加調味料
5.5 關火。備用
6. 煮白汁:
6.1 用中火略炒芥蘭莖,用糖和鹽調味,加入一些米酒
6.2 加入蝦一起炒
6.3 倒入準備好的白汁
6.4 用小火煮,並加入糖和鹽調味
6.5 煮至醬汁沸騰,逐漸加入粟粉水勾芡
6.6 關火。備用
7. 再煮沸紅汁,加入粟粉水勾芡
8. 使用鋁箔紙.錫紙製成一個S字形
9. 將S形鋁箔放入碗中,然後將飯舀入碗的兩面
10. 將白汁和紅汁各自舀入碗的兩面
11. 然後就完成了!
1. 森林認為不需用上湯,只用水,味道已很好
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~.~.~Recipe of Ying Yang Fried Rice.~.~.~
Ying Yang Fried Rice is a very popular dish at local Dim Sum Restaurant in Hong Kong. It is easy to make and is delicious. Adults and kids will love it. This recipe is easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/8m750Su9oCk
This recipe can make 4-5 persons portion.
Ingredients for Fried Rice:
1. Cooked rice(3-4 cups)
2. Eggs (3)
3. Spring onion (2-3 stalks)
Ingredients for Red Sauce:
1. Tomatoes(2-3)
2. Onion (1 )
3. Chicken Breast (2 pieces)
4. Grapefruit soya sauce (2 Tbsp)*
5. Ketchup (5 Tbsp)
6. Sugar (2 tsp)
7. Salt (1 tsp)
8. Water (1 cup)
9. White Pepper
* can be replaced by soya sauce and vinegar
Ingredients for White Sauce:
1. Shrimps (10)
2. Stem of Kale or green peas (1/2 cup)
3. Sugar (1 tsp)
4. Salt (1/2 tsp)
5. Evaporated Milk(4 Tbsp)**
6. Broth or Water(1 cup)**
7. White Pepper
8. Chinese Rice Wine (little)
** can be replaced by 1 cup of Milk, without diluted by water or broth
How to cook:
1.Marinate the meat:
1.1 Marinate shrimps with salt, white pepper and sesame oil
1.2 Marinate julienned chicken meat with soya sauce, white pepper, cornstarch and sesame oil. Add a bit of water to make the chicken more tender
2. Preparation of red sauce: Mix the ketchup, grapefruit soya sauce, sugar, salt and water together
3. Preparation of white sauce: Mix evaporated milk, water, sugar, salt and white pepper together
4. Making Fried Rice:
4.1 Fry eggs over medium heat
4.2 Add in the cooked rice and fry together
4.3 Add diced spring onion and salt, mix well
4.4 Keep the fried rice warm in the rice cooker
5. Cooking Red sauce
5.1 Fry julienned onino and tomatoes, season with sugar and salt
5.2 Add in marinated chicken, fry till cooked
5.3 Add in the prepared red sauce. Add more water if necessary
5.4 Cook until it boils, can season again if necessary
5.5 Remove from heat. Set aside for later use
6. Cooking white sauce:
6.1 Fry the diced stems of kale or green peas over medium heat, season with sugar, salt and a little bit of rice wine
6.2 Add in the shrimps and fry together
6.3 Add in the prepared white sauce
6.4 Cook with low fire, season with sugar and salt if need
6.5 Cook until it boils, then thicken the sauce with mixture of cornstarch and water
6.6 Remove from heat. Set aside
7. Heat up the red sauce again and thicken it with mixture of cornstarch and water
8. Use Aluminum foil to make a S-shape mold
9. Put the S-Shape foil into the bowl. Scoope rice into two sides of the bowl
10. Scoope in Red sauce and white sauce into two sides
11. Then it is done!
Personal thought and Tips:
1. The sauce is quite tasty already by using water. Personally, there is no need of using broth unless you prefer stronger taste
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Happy cooking!