Thai Red Curry 泰式紅咖哩 (酸酸辣辣的,令人胃口大開)



1. 您選擇的肉類*
2. 土豆.馬鈴薯 (1 個)
3. 櫻桃番茄 (8-10個,隨意)
4. 燈籠椒 (1 個)
5. 洋蔥 (1/2 個)
6. 罐頭菠蘿 (1 小罐,8安士)
7. 翠玉瓜 (1/2 條)
8. 泰式紅咖哩膏 (1 包)
9. 檸檬葉 (5-6片)
10. 泰國蘿勒葉.九層塔 (隨意)
11. 椰奶 (200 亳升)
12. 魚露 (1.5 湯匙)
* 用醬油,糖和香油醃肉

1. 處理檸檬葉: 沿主葉脈撕檸檬葉以釋放更多味道,這樣撕也可以方便取出
2. 處理肉類: 視頻中用的是豬肉,先用醬油,糖和香油把肉略醃
3. 用中火炒醃過的肉至8成熟,然後把肉取出,備用
4. 用中火略炒洋蔥和土豆.馬鈴薯
5. 加一些水煮馬鈴薯,使其變軟
6. 當土豆.馬鈴薯變軟時,加入泰式紅咖哩膏
7. 轉小火,慢慢拌勻咖哩膏
8. 加入椰奶並拌勻
9. 當咖哩汁微沸時,加入已煮的肉,燈籠椒和櫻桃番茄
10. 加入罐頭菠蘿,連同它的果汁或糖水一起煮
11. 如果醬汁太稠,可以加一些水
12. 當醬汁微沸時,加入撕開了的檸檬葉
13. 加入翠玉瓜
14. 用糖和魚露調味: 以魚露調鹹味,不用鹽
15. 最後,加入泰國羅勒葉,然後便完成了!

1. 檸檬葉能大大增加香氣,但因煮後仍是蠻硬,所以可以在食用時取出
2. 除了加入菠蘿,也可以加荔枝或龍眼
3. 除了與白飯同吃,也可以和金邊粉或中式幼麵同吃,十分美味


~.~.~.~.~.~Recipe of Thai Red Curry in English~.~.~.~.~.~

SumLook loves curry. Thai, Chinese or Japanese curry are all my favorite. For Thai curry, a lot of fresh herbs are used so it is very aromatic. For the Thai Red curry, some fruit is also added so the curry is sour and spicy which makes it so appetizing. The Red curry paste used in the video is the yummiest one I have tried so far (see pic below). This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video:

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

1. Meat of your choice*
2. Potato (1 )
3. Cherry tomatoes (8-10)
4. Bell Pepper (1 )
5. Onion (1/2 )
6. Canned Pineapple (1 small can,8oz)
7. Zucchini (1/2 )
8. Thai Red Curry Paste (1 pack)
9. Kaffir Lime Leaves (5-6 pieces)
10. Thai Basil (as much as you want)
11. Coconut milk (200 ml)
12. Fish Sauce (1.5 Tbsp)
* Use Soya Sauce, sugar and sesame oil to marinate the meat

How to cook:
1. Kaffir Lime Leaves: Tear the Kaffir Lime Leaves along the main vein to release more flavor
2. Meat: Pork was used in the video. Marinate the meat with Soya Sauce, sugar and sesame oil
3. Fry the marinated meat over medium heat until it is 80% cooked and then take out and set aside
4. Fry the onion and potato over the medium heat
5. Add some water to soften the potato
6. When the potato is soft, turn to low fire, and slowly mix well the curry paste
7. Add the coconut milk and mix well
8. When the sauce starts to bubble, add in the cooked meat, bell pepper and cherry tomatoes
9. Add in the canned pineapple, together with the juice or syrup
10. If the sauce is too thick, can add some water
11. When the sauce bubbles, add in the torn Kaffir Lime Leaves
12. Add the zucchini
13. Season with sugar and fish sauce for the sweetness and saltiness
14. Lastly, add in the Thai Basil then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. Kaffir Lime Leaves can greatly increase the aroma of the dish. However, it is a bit hard even after it is cooked; so you can take them out when serving the dish
2. Beside pineapple, can also add Lychee or Longan.
3. Other than rice, the curry can also eat with rice noodle.

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Happy cooking!
