蔥油拌麵 Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion Oil: 芳香馥郁的美味蔥油


這食譜可製作出大約 4-5 人份的蔥油拌麵

蔥 (大量,切小段)
洋蔥 (1 個,切絲)
大蔥.京蔥 (1 條,只用白色部分,切幼片)
紅蔥頭(5-6 個,切絲)
豬油或普通食油 (1-1.5 杯)

豉油.醬油 (3-4 湯匙)
米酒 (1 湯匙)
黑醋 (1 茶匙)
糖 (2-3 茶匙)
白胡椒粉 (適量)
食水 (1 杯)

薑 (3-4片,切絲)
蒜頭 (5-6瓣,切成蓉)
蔥 (適量,切成蔥粒)
白麵條 (4人份量)

1. 先準備蔥油:
1.1 將豬油或普通食油(1-1.5 杯)倒入鍋或煎鍋中弄熱
1.2 用中火炸已切成薄片的紅蔥頭。不時攪拌以防燒焦。炸至金黃色。將炸好的紅蔥頭從鍋中取出,擠出大部分油並放在一邊備用
1.3 用同一鍋油,用中小火炸洋蔥和大蔥.京蔥直至金黃色和變軟。將炸好的洋蔥和大蔥從鍋中取出,擠出大部分油並放在一邊備用
1.4 用同一鍋油,用小火,先放入蔥白部分,炸至軟。 然後放入青蔥的綠色部分。 炸至綠色部分變軟呈金黃色。 將炸好的蔥從鍋中取出,擠出大部分油並放在一邊備用
1.5 將蔥油倒入篩子中濾去殘留物。現在蔥油已完成
2. 準備醬汁
2.1 在一個碗裡,將醬油(3-4 湯匙)、黑醋 (1 茶匙)、米酒 (1 湯匙)、糖(2-3 茶匙)和白胡椒粉拌勻。 然後加入食水(1 杯)拌勻
2.2 在鍋中加熱蔥油(2-3湯匙),加入蒜末和薑絲,炒至聞到香味
2.3 加入準備好的醬汁,煮至快要沸騰
2.4 加入炒好的洋蔥、大蔥.京蔥和青蔥。也加入一些炒好的紅蔥頭
2.5 煮到微滾,並略稠
2.6 拌麵醬汁完成了
3.1 燒開一鍋熱水,加入麵條
3.2 煮沸後,加入一杯冷水,待其再次煮沸
3.3 瀝乾麵條
4. 在一個碗裡,加入麵條,然後將醬汁澆在上面。 最後撒上蔥粒和炸蔥頭
5. 便完成了!

1. 蔥油的配料和份量可按個人喜好調整
2. 剩下的蔥油可用作其他煮食用途或再做拌麵

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion Oil in English~.~

SumLook loves Spring Onion Oil. Thus, I studied some recipes and came up with this recipe. It turned out quite well. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/h2gpx_AZEUg

This recipe can serve 4 persons.

Ingredients for Spring Onion Oil:
Spring Onion (A lot, cut into small pieces)
Onion (1, finely julienned)
Leek (1, only white part, thinly sliced)
Shallots (5-6, thinly julienned)
Lard or Vegetable Oil (1-1.5 cups)

Seasonings for sauce:
Soya Sauce (3-4 Tbsp)
Rice Wine (1 Tbsp)
Dark Vinegar (1 tsp)
Sugar (2-3 tsp)
White pepper (Some)
Cooked Water (1 Cup)

Other Ingredients:
Ginger (3-4 slices, finely julienned)
Garlic (5-6 cloves, minced)
Spring Onion (Some, diced)
Chinese noodles (4 persons portions)

How to cook:
1. First prepare the Spring Onion Oil:
1.1 Heat up the lard in a pot or frying pan
1.2 Shallots: Deep fry the sliced shallots over medium heat. Stir from time to time so it will not get burned. Deep fry until it is golden color. Remove the fried shallots from the pot, squeeze out most oil and set aside for later use
1.3 Onion and Leek: Using the same pot of oil, deep fry onion and leek over medium low heat until they are golden and soft. Remove it from heat, squeeze out most oil and set aside for later use
1.4 Spring Onion: Using the same pot of oil, over low heat, first put in the white part of spring onion and deep fry until it is soft. Then put in the green part of spring onion. Deep fry until the green part is tender and golden. Remove it from heat, squeeze out most oil and set aside for later use
1.5 Pour the spring onion oil through a sieve to filter out the residues. Now the spring onion oil is done
2. Preparation for the sauce:
2.1 In a bowl, mix well soya Sauce, dark vinegar, rice wine, sugar and white pepper. Then add cooked water and mix
2.2 In a pot, heat up spring onion oil (2 Tbsp), add in minced garlic and julienned ginger, fry until you can smell the aroma
2.3 Add in the prepared sauce, cook until it is about to boil
2.4 Add in the fried onion, leek and spring onion. Add in also some fried shallots
2.5 Cook till it boils and a bit thick
2.6 Then the Sauce for noodle is done!
3. Cooking noodles:
3.1 Boil a pot of hot water, add in the noodles
3.2 After it boils, add in a cup of cold water and wait for it to boil again
3.3 Drain the noodles
4. In a bowl, add in noodles, then ladle the sauce on top. Lastly, sprinkle diced spring oil and fried shallots on top
5. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. The amount of ingredients for Spring Onion oil can be changed according to personal preference
2. The remaining spring onion oil can be used for other dishes and for making some more Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion oil
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Happy cooking!
