韓式涼拌菠菜 Seasoned Spinach in Korean Style



菠菜 (1/2 斤)
蒜頭 (1 瓣,切成蓉)
鹽 (1/3 茶匙)
芝麻油 (適量)
烤白芝麻 (1 茶匙)

1. 把菠菜放入沸水中,煮 5-7 分鐘,直至深綠色
2. 將菠菜從熱水中取出並瀝乾
3. 擠出菠菜中的大部分水分
4. 鬆開菠菜
5. 用蒜末、鹽、白芝麻和香油給菠菜調味
6. 將所有材料混合均勻就完成啦!

1. 調味料的分量可按個人喜好
2. 用菠菜苗口感會更好

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Seasoned Spinach in Korean Style~.~.~

SumLook's family really like this appetizer at Korean restaurant so I asked a Korean mom about the recipe and it is very easy to make. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/TotcuKpCRLc

This recipe can make 4 servings of Seasoned Spinach

Spinach (1/2 Tales)
Garlic (1 clove, mined)
Salt (1/3 tsp)
Sesame oil (some)
Toasted White Sesame (1 tsp)

How to cook:
1. In a pot, boil spinach for 5-7 minutes, until dark green
2. Remove the spinach from hot water and drain
3. Squeeze out most water from the spinach 4. Loosen the spinach
5. Season with minced garlic, salt, white sesame and sesame oil
6. Mix all the ingredients well then it is done!

Personal tips and thoughts:
1. The amount of seasonings may change according to personal pre
2. Using Baby spinach is even better

We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com

Happy cooking!
