培根青蔥芝士司康 Bacon and Spring Onion Scone: 美味到不能停下來


這食譜可製作出大約 8-10個份量。

1. 中筋麵粉 (320 克)
2. 泡打粉 (3 茶匙)
3. 鹽 (1/2 茶匙)
4. 黑胡椒粉 (隨意)
5. 無鹽奶油.牛油 (80 克,冷藏溫度)
6. 披薩芝士.披薩起司 (40 克,切碎,冷藏溫度)
7. 培根 (7條,切碎)
8. 車打芝士(40 克,切碎,冷藏溫度)
9. 青蔥(100 克,切碎)
10. 雞蛋 (2隻,100 克,冷藏溫度)
11. 全脂鮮奶 (40 克 + 1 小匙,冷藏溫度)
12. 植物油 (1 茶匙)
13. 蛋黃 (1隻)

1. 鍋中加少許油,用中小火將培根丁煎至微金黃。煎好培根後,用廚房紙吸去多餘的油,備用
2. 在碗中,將雞蛋和全脂牛奶拌勻
3. 在一個大碗裡,將中筋麵粉、泡打粉、鹽和黑胡椒粉拌勻
4. 加入切細塊奶油,拌勻,讓麵粉覆蓋奶油表面
5. 用指尖或叉子將麵粉和奶油揉在一起
6. 每次揉成大塊再分成小塊,不斷重複,直至形成粗砂狀
7. 加入披薩起司、青蔥、切達起司和培根,拌勻
8. 分3次加入雞蛋和牛奶的混合物,拌勻
9. 將麵團放在桌上,用手或刮刀將麵團按壓成長方形
10. 將麵團切成兩半(上和下),將它們疊在一起
11. 用手或刮刀將麵團按壓成長方形
12. 再次將麵團切成兩半(左和右),將它們疊起來
13. 重複壓、切、疊共5次(交替方向),壓至麵團2-2.5cm厚
14. 切成均等的份,放在烤盤上
15. 拌勻蛋黃和全脂牛奶,刷2次在麵團上
16. 入爐用 200℃ 烘烤 18-20分鐘

1. 盡量讓材料維持在低的溫度,這樣麵團中的奶油就不會融化
2. 與用手相比,使用叉子和刮刀可以將麵團溫度保持在較低的溫度

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~.~.Bacon and Spring Onion Scone~.~.~.

SumLook is recently in love with Scones. The method is a bit like making crumbles. One can add whatever they like to eat! The procedure is rather simple. I hope you try out the recipe.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/V7XN8-xUdsA

This recipe can make 8-10 portions.

1. Plain Flour (320 g)
2. Baking Powder (3 tsp)
3. Salt (1/2 tsp)
4. Black Pepper (some)
5. Unsalted Butter (80 g, fridge temperature)
6. Pizza Cheese (40 g,shredded, fridge temperature)
7. Bacon (7 stripes, diced)
8. Cheddar Cheese(40 g, fridge temperature)
9. Spring Onion(100 g, diced)
10. Egg (2, 100 g, fridge temperature)
11. Whole milk (40 g + 1 tsp,temperature)
12. Oil (1 tsp)
13. Egg Yolk (1)

How to cook:
1. In a pan, with little oil, over medium low heat, fry diced bacon until slightly brown. Using kitchen paper to remove extra oil from fried bacon, set aside
2. In a bowl, whisk well the egg and whole milk
3. In a bowl, mix well plain flour, baking powder, salt and black pepper
4. Add in small cubes of butter, mix to cover the surface of butter with flour
5. Use fingertips or fork to knead the flour and butter together
6. Every time, knead into a big piece then break into small pieces, keep repeating until rough powder like
7. Add in Pizza cheese, spring onion, cheddar cheese and bacon, mix well
8. In 3 times, add in the egg and milk mixture, mix well
9. Put dough on table, using hand or scraper, press and shape dough into a rectangle
10. Cut dough in 2 halves (up and bottom), stack them together
11. Using hand or scraper, press and shape dough into a rectangle
12. Again cut dough into 2 halves (left and right), stack them up
13. Repeat pressing and stacking for 5 times in total (alternate the direction), press until dough is 2-2.5cm thick
14. Cut into equal shares and lay them on baking tray
15. Egg wash twice, using egg yolk and whole milk mixture
16. Bake for 18-20 mins at 200。C

Personal thought and Tips:
1. It is better to keep temperature of ingredients low so the butter in the dough won't melt
2. Compared with using hands, using fork and scraper can keep the temperature of dough at lower temperature

We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com

Happy cooking!
