1. 中筋麵粉 (70 克)
2. 桃核碎 (35 克)
3. 肉桂粉 (1 茶匙或隨意)
4. 無鹽奶油.牛油 (50 克)
5. 砂糖 (60 克)
6. 橙皮碎 (一個中型橙,或隨意)
1. 將核桃烤至聞到香味,並將核桃磨碎
2. 將核桃磨成粉狀
3. 在一個大碗裡,將中筋麵粉、糖和肉桂粉拌勻
4. 加入切細塊奶油,拌勻,讓麵粉覆蓋奶油表面
5. 用指尖或叉子將麵粉和奶油揉在一起
6. 每次揉成大塊再分成小塊,不斷重複
7. 當麵粉和奶油的混合物成粗砂狀時,加入核桃碎,拌勻
8. 加入橙皮,拌勻
9. 用指尖揉捏和弄碎,造出不同大小的碎粒
10. 使用前放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘
11. 使用前,可用指尖調整酥菠蘿的大小
12. 可以把酥菠蘿放在麵包、鬆餅上面
13. 也可以180度烘烤8-10分鐘或至金黃酥脆,然後作為餅乾食用
1. 烤好了的酥菠蘿也可以用放在乳酪上一起吃,很好吃的
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~.~.Recipe of Spiced Walnut Streusel (Crumbles)~.~.~.
SumLook is recently in love with streusel or crumbles. I just love to put it on bread, muffins or even eat it with yogurts. This recipe has added in grounded walnut, cinnamon and orange peel, which makes the crumbles more yummy and aromatic. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/96o7hXvuLqY
1. Plain Flour (70 g)
2. Grounded Walnut (35 g)
3. Cinnamon Powder (1 tsp, optional)
4. Unsalted Butter(50 g)
5. Sugar (60 g)
6. Orange Peel (1 medium orange, optional)
How to cook:
1. Toast the walnuts until aromatic and ground the walnuts
2. Ground the walnuts until powder like
3. In a big bowl, mix well plain flour, sugar and cinnamon
4. Add in small cubes of butter, mix to cover the surface of butter with flour
5. Use fingertips or fork to knead the flour and butter together
6. Every time, knead into a big piece then break into small pieces, keep repeating
7. When the flour and butter mix looks like rough powder, add in grounded walnut and mix well
8. Add in orange peel, mix well
9. Use fingertips to knead and break into different sizes
10. Cool it in the fridge for 30 mins before usage
11. Before use, can use fingertips to adjust the sizes of streusels (crumbles)
12. Can use streusels on top of bread, muffin, bakery
13. Can also bake it at 180c for 8-10 mins or until golden and crispy, and eat as biscuits
Personal thought and Tips:
1. Can put the baked crumbles on top of yogurt and eat together. It is very yummy
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Happy cooking!