菠菜芝士貝果 (加酸種) Spinach and Cheese Bagel with sourdough: 太好吃!


這食譜可製作出大約 6-8個貝果份量。

1. 高筋麵粉 (300 克)
2. 砂糖 (15 克)
3. 鹽 (5 克)
4. 乾酵母 (2 克)
5. 水 (180 ml)
6. 嫩菠菜 (80 克,炒完和擠出水後的重量)*
7. 蜜糖.蜂蜜 (1 湯匙)
8. 芝士.起司 (30 克,切細丁)
9. 酸種 (50 克,可選)
10. 雞蛋 (1 隻)
* 用鹽、大蒜和油略炒

1. 準備菠菜:
1.1 洗菠菜後,除去莖幹,只用葉的部分
1.2 在平底鍋中加油,用中火,將菠菜和大蒜一起炒
1.3 加鹽調味,炒至軟,離火
1.4 將菠菜鋪在盤子上,冷卻,除去大蒜
1.5 將菠菜中的水分擠出,剪細段,弄散
2. 將芝士.起司切成小丁
3. 在一個碗裡,將高筋麵粉過篩,加入鹽和糖拌勻
4. 在另一個碗中加入水和乾酵母,拌勻
5. 加入酸種(可選),拌勻
6. 加入麵粉混合物,分3-4次,拌勻
7. 在加入最後一份麵粉之前加入芝士丁,拌勻
8. 加入最後一份麵粉,揉麵團直至沒有剩留麵粉
9. 以折疊方法加入菠菜,分3-4次,拌勻
10. 用保鮮膜或濕毛巾蓋住麵團,靜置發酵20分鐘( 27。C)
11. 繼續折疊和揉麵團一會兒(大約1分鐘)
12. 用保鮮膜或濕毛巾蓋住麵團,靜置發酵20分鐘( 27。C)
13. 在麵團上撒些麵粉,弄平,然後分成6-8等份
14. 將麵團弄平,把邊緣拉到中心並捲起來做成一個球,做成共6-8個球
15. 用保鮮膜或濕毛巾蓋住麵團,靜置20分鐘( 27。C)
16. 做型:
16.1 將麵團擀成15cm x 10cm的大小
16.2 將麵團捲成條狀。捏合接缝處來封上接缝處
16.3 滾動並拉伸成更長的條子
16.4 將條子的一端壓扁變大,然後做成環狀,用扁的一端包住小的一端,捏合封上接缝處
16.5 將環麵團放在烘焙紙上
16.6 用保鮮膜或濕毛巾蓋住麵團,靜置發酵20分鐘( 27。C)
17. 把烤箱預熱至230度
18. 燒開一鍋熱水 (1000 ml),加入一大勺蜂蜜,拌勻
19. 將貝果的每一面焯20 秒。取出貝果,並鋪在烘焙紙上
20. 輕輕刷上蛋液,然後在麵團上撒上芝士
21. 將貝果以 230 °C 烘烤 16-18 分鐘至金黃
22. 然後便完成了!

1. 在焯貝果後立即烘烤,因為隨著時間的流逝,它會失去光澤
2. 靜置發酵溫度為27度。可以放入發酵機
3. 如不用酸種,其他材料的份量仍保持不變

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~.~.Spinach and Cheese Bagel~.~.~.

SumLook loves bagels. I saw this spinach and cheese bagel and really wanted to try it myself. This recipe is very yummy. I hope you like it.
Sourdough has enhanced the texture of bagel so much that the bagel is more bouncy, while the spinach has kept the moisture. It is just so yummy.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/z37KlZou0II

This recipe can make 6-8 bagels.

1. Strong flour or bread flour (300 g)
2. Sugar (15 g)
3. Salt (5 g)
4. Dry Yeast (2 g)
5. Water (180 ml)
6. Spinach (80 g, after fried and squeezed out water)*
7. Honey (1 Tbsp)
8. Cheese (30 g, diced)
9. Sourdough (50 g, optional)
10. Egg (1)
* Fry spinach with garlic, salt and oil

How to cook:
1. Preparation of spinach:
1.1 Wash spinach, remove the stem, use only the leafy part
1.2 In a pan, add oil, over medium heat, fry the spinach with garlic
1.3 Season with salt, fry until soft, remove from heat
1.4 Spread spinach onto a plate, let it cool, and remove garlic
1.5 Squeeze out the water in spinach, cut into pieces, spread it in a bowl
2. Dice the cheese small
3. In a bowl, mix well strong flour, salt, and sugar
4. In another bowl, add water and dry yeast, whisk well
5. Add in sourdough (optional), whisk well
6. Add in the flour mixture, in 3-4 times, mix well
7. Add in the diced cheese before the last portion of flour, mix well
8. Add in last portion of flour, and knead the dough until no flour is left
9. Use folding to include the spinach, in 3-4 times, fold well
10. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or damp towel, ferment for 20 mins (at 27。C)
11. Keep folding and kneading the dough for a while (about 1 min)
12. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or damp towel, rest for 20 mins (at 27。C)
13. Sprinkle flour on the dough, divide it into 6-8 equal shares
14. Pat the dough flat, and pull the edge to the center and roll up as a ball (6-8 balls in total)
15. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or damp towel, rest for 20 mins
16. Forming:
16.1 Roll the dough into 15cm x 10 cm big
16.2 Roll the dough into a stick. Close the seam by pinching
16.3 Roll and stretch into a longer stick
16.4 Flatten one end to make it big, then make a ring, wrap the small end with flat end, pinch to close the seam
16.5 Lay the ring on baking paper
16.6 Cover the dough with plastic wrap or damp towel, ferment for 20 mins (at 27。C)
17. Preheat the oven to 230。C
18. Boil a pot of hot water (1000 ml), add a big spoon of honey and mix well
19. Blanch each side of bagel for 20 seconds. Take out bagel and lay it on baking paper
20. Egg wash lightly, then sprinkle cheese on top of dough
21. Bake the bagels at 230 。C for 16-18 mins until golden
22. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. After blanching bagels, bake them right away because it will lose the gloss as time passes by
2. Temperature for the rise or rest time is 27。C. Can put the dough in fermentation room
3. In the case that sourdough is not included, the amount of other ingredients remain the same

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Happy cooking!
