1. 荷蘭豆 (約1 斤,除去邊的硬纖維)
2. 蒜仔.蒜苗 (適量,切段)
3. 冬菇 (3-4 顆,切片或絲)*
4. 臘腸 (1-2條,切幼片)
5. 蒜頭 (3瓣,切成蓉)
* 保留浸冬菇的水
1. 蠔油 (1.5 湯匙)
2. 豉油 (1.5 湯匙)
3. 糖 (2 茶匙)
4. 米酒 (2 茶匙)
5. 浸冬菇的水或水 (125 ml)
6. 粟粉水
7. 白胡椒粉 (適量)
1.1 將乾香菇浸泡至變軟。然後把香菇中的水擠出來,保留浸香菇的水備用。把香菇切片
1.2 將臘腸焯5分鐘,然後切片 (切去頭和尾不要)
1.3 在荷蘭豆上切一小刀口,把它掰開,把它的主脈摘掉,然後把荷蘭豆倒過來,也把主脈摘掉
2. 在平底鍋,中火,將臘腸略炒
3. 加入蒜頭,然後加入冬菇,略炒
4. 加入米酒(2 茶匙),炒至臘腸有點金黃
5. 加入荷蘭豆,略炒。 然後加糖(2 茶匙)調味,略炒
6. 加入蠔油 (1.5 湯匙)、浸香菇的水 (125 ml)和醬油 (1.5 湯匙)調味,炒勻
7. 加入蒜苗和白胡椒粉,炒至荷蘭豆呈較深綠色
8. 用粟粉水勾芡
9. 然後就完成了!
1. 在步驟6,浸香菇的水,如不足夠便用水來補足
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~Recipe of Fry Snow Peas with Chinese Sausage~.~.~
SumLook suddenly thought of my father's dish, and recalled all the deliciousness. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/__n202qV6ok
This recipe can make 4-5 persons servings
1. Snow Peas (about 1 tael, remove the main vein)
2. Garlic Sprout (some, cut into short pieces)
3. Dry Shiitake Mushroom(3-4 pieces, sliced)*
4. Chinese Sausage (1-2sticks, sliced)
5. Garlic (3 cloves, minced)
* Save the water used for soaking mushrooms
1. Oyster Sauce (1.5 Tbsp)
2. Soya Sauce (1.5 Tbsp)
3. Sugar (2 tsp)
4. Rice Wine (2 tsp)
5. Water for soaking dry mushroom (125 ml)
6. Cornstarch solution
7. White pepper (some)
How to cook:
1. First prepare the ingredients:
1.1 Soak dry Shiitake mushrooms until they are soft. Squeeze out the water from mushrooms. Keep the water for later use. Slice Shiitake mushrooms
1.2 Blanch Chinese preserved sausage for 5 minutes, then thinly slice it (remove the tips of sausage)
1.3 Make a small cut in the tip of snow pea, break it and pull off the vein. Turn snow pea upside down, do the same.
2. In a frying pan, Over medium fire, fry chinese sausage a bit
3. Add garlic then shiitake mushroom, fry a bit
4. Add in rice wine (2 tsp), fry until Chinese sausage is a bit golden
5. Add snow peas, fry a bit. Then season with sugar, fry a bit
6. Season with oyster sauce(1.5 Tbsp), water used for soaking mushroom(125 ml), soya sauce(1.5 Tbsp). Fry and mix well
7. Add in garlic sprout and white pepper, fry till snow peas turn darker green
8. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch solution
9. Then it is done!
Personal tips and thoughts:
1. For step 6, first use water squeezed out from mushrooms, if it is not enough, use water to make up the volume needed
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Happy cooking!