
菠菜芝士貝果 (加酸種) Spinach and Cheese Bagel with sourdough: 太好吃!

葡萄乾布里歐配核桃酥菠蘿 (免揉): Raisin Brioche with crumbles (No knead): 美味又易做,不用粘手

香料核桃酥菠蘿 Spiced Walnut Streusel (Crumbles)

惹味泰式炒花甲或蛤蜊 Fry clams with Thai spicy sauce: 不能抗拒的惹味家常菜

南瓜濃湯 Pumpkin Soup

白汁雞皇醬 Chicken A La King

冬瓜馬鈴薯濃湯 Winter Melon and Potato Pottage: 清甜版的大蔥馬玲薯湯

蕃茄青瓜莎莎沙拉佐蘋果醋 Cucumber and Tomato Salsa with Apple Cider Vinegar: 美味清爽的涼拌

黃瓜蘋果沙拉佐蘋果醋 Cucumber and Apple Salad with Apple Cider Vinegar: 十分清爽的涼拌

香菇蓮藕湯 Lotus Root with Shiitake Mushroom Soup

香菇黑松露醬麵包 和 香腸茄醬麵包: Mushroom on Black Truffle Sauce Bread and Sauce with Tomato sauce Bread

檸檬醬素菜意大利麵 Pasta with vegetables in lemon sauce: 清新美味的意大利麵