香菇黑松露醬麵包 和 香腸茄醬麵包: Mushroom on Black Truffle Sauce Bread and Sauce with Tomato sauce Bread


這食譜可製作出大約 6個麵包份量。

1. 高筋麵粉 (200 克)
2. 砂糖 (8 克)
3. 鹽 (4 克)
4. 乾酵母 (1.5 克)
5. 水 (30度,85 ml)
6. 牛奶 (30度,60 克)
7. 無鹽奶油.牛油 (10 克)
8. 起司.芝士 (適量)
9. 蕃茄醬 (適量)
10. 蛋黃醬 (適量)
11. 黑松露醬 (適量)
12. 鮮冬菇.鮮香菇 (適量,切大塊)
13. 香腸 (1條,切幼圓片)

1. 在杯子中,將水(30。C,85ml)和牛奶(30。C, 60 克)混合。然後加入乾酵母,拌勻備用
2. 在碗裡,將高筋麵粉、糖和鹽拌勻
3. 把酵母水分3次加入麵粉中,拌勻
4. 用手混合和揉麵團,直到沒有剩留麵粉
5. 把麵團放在桌子上拉揉 100 次或約 7 分鐘
6. 拍麵團在桌子上並折疊,重覆 2 分鐘
7. 將牛油塗在麵團上,揉搓至光滑(約 7 分鐘)
8. 拍麵團在桌子上並折疊,重覆 2 分鐘,直到它可以拉伸成薄膜
9. 將麵團放入容器中,發酵60分鐘( 30。C)
10. 把麵團移到桌子上,對折成三分之一 (上下),再重複一次(左右)
11. 將麵團放入容器中,蓋上蓋子,放入冰箱(最好是蔬果抽屜)發酵12-18小時
12. 在麵團上撒些麵粉,弄平,然後分成6等份
13. 將邊緣拉到中心並捲起來做成一個球,做成共6個球
14. 做型:
14.1 將麵團放進紙杯
14.2 將麵團由中心向邊緣推,讓中心較薄些
14.3 用保鮮膜蓋住麵團,發酵60分鐘( 35。C)
15. 等待期間,將鮮冬菇去掉莖,切成小塊
16. 麵團發酵好後,將黑松露醬或番茄醬塗在麵團上
17. 在松露醬上加鮮冬菇,或在番茄醬上加香腸
18. 在麵團上面,撒上芝士,並在冬菇上擠一些蛋黃醬
19. 把烤箱預熱:上層溫度190。C,下層170。C
20. 放麵團進烤箱烘烤:上層溫度 190。C,下層170。C 14分鐘
21. 然後便完成了!


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~.~.~.Mushroom on Black Truffle Sauce Bread~.~.~.

SumLook tasted a mushroom bread and fell in love with it. So I add in also Black Truffle Sauce which makes it even tastier. This recipe is very yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/ocxP4c0ZzSc

This recipe can make 6 breads.

1. Strong flour or bread flour (200 g)
2. Sugar (8 g)
3. Salt (4 g)
4. Dry Yeast (1.5 g)
5. Water (30。C, 85 ml)
6. Milk (30。C, 60 g)
7. Unsalted butter (10 g)
8. Cheese (some)
9. Ketchup (Some)
10. Mayo (some)
11. Black Truffle Sauce (some)
12. Fresh Shiitake Mushroom (Some, cut into big pieces) 13. Sausage (1, circular slices)

How to cook:
1. In a cup, mix water (30。C, 85 ml) and milk (30。C, 60 g). Add in dry yeast. Mix and set aside
2. In a bowl, mix strong flour, sugar and salt
3. Add water with yeast into flour (in 3 times) , mix well
4. Mix and knead the dough by hand until no flour is left
5. Knead the dough by rubbing on the table for 100 times or about 7 mins
6. Tap and fold the dough for 2 mins
7. Spread butter on to dough, rub and knead until smooth (about 7 mins) 8. Tap and fold the dough for 2 mins until it can be stretched to thin film
9. Put dough into container, ferment for 60 mins at 30。C
10. Move the dough to the table, fold into thirds (up and down), repeat one more time (left and right)
11. Put dough into container, cover with lid, ferment in the fridge (preferably vegetable and fruit drawer) for 12-18 hours
12. Sprinkle flour on the dough, divide it into 6 equal shares
13. Pull the edge to the center and roll it up to make a ball (6 balls in total)
14. Forming:
14.1 Put the dough onto paper cup
14.2 Push the dough from center to the edge so the center is thinner
14.3 Cover the dough with plastic wrap, ferment for 60 mins at 35。C
15. While waiting, remove the stem of shiitake mushroom and cut it into small pieces
16. When the dough is ready, spread black truffle sauce (for mushroom bread) or ketchup (for sausage bread) onto dough
17. Add fresh shiitake mushroom on truffle sauce, or sausage on ketchup
18. Sprinkle cheese on top on all dough, squeeze some mayo on mushroom
19. Pre-heat the oven: upper temperature of 200。C, lower 170。C
20. Bake the dough in the oven: upper temperature of 200。C, lower 170。C for 14 mins
21. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:

We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com

Happy cooking!
