
黃瓜蘋果沙拉佐蘋果醋 Cucumber and Apple Salad with Apple Cider Vinegar: 十分清爽的涼拌

香菇蓮藕湯 Lotus Root with Shiitake Mushroom Soup

香菇黑松露醬麵包 和 香腸茄醬麵包: Mushroom on Black Truffle Sauce Bread and Sauce with Tomato sauce Bread

檸檬醬素菜意大利麵 Pasta with vegetables in lemon sauce: 清新美味的意大利麵

羅宋湯.雜菜湯 Borscht . Mixed Vegetable Soup

毛豆培根芝士麵包 (免揉) Edamame and Bacon Bread (No knead): 美味又易做,不用粘手

葡萄乾肉桂貝果 Raisin Cinnamon Bagel

蠔油冬菇雞飯 (用電飯鍋煮! 方便又美味): Chicken rice with Shitake Mushrooms

柚子烏龍茶貝果 Yuzu Oolongcha Bagel

青蔥肉鬆麵包 Spring Onion & Pork Floss Bread

蔥油拌麵 Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion Oil: 芳香馥郁的美味蔥油

玉米培根麵包 Corn & Bacon Bread

日式黑芝麻貝果 Black Sesame Bagel in Japanese Style