
柚子烏龍茶貝果 Yuzu Oolongcha Bagel

青蔥肉鬆麵包 Spring Onion & Pork Floss Bread

蔥油拌麵 Chinese Noodle with Spring Onion Oil: 芳香馥郁的美味蔥油

玉米培根麵包 Corn & Bacon Bread

日式黑芝麻貝果 Black Sesame Bagel in Japanese Style

荷蘭豆炒臘腸 Fry Snow Peas with Chinese Sausage

藍莓瑪芬.鬆餅 Blueberry Muffin

薯仔炆雞翼 Chicken wings and potato stew

海南雞醬菜飯 Rice in Hainanese chicken sauce with vegetable

白蘿蔔味噌湯 Miso soup with white turnip

白蘿蔔煎餅 Chinese Turnip Pancake : 蘿蔔糕愛好者的另一安慰

和風三文魚舞茸醬油炊飯 (用 Muji 飯素) Salmon and Mushrooms Rice in Japanese Style

白蘿蔔粉絲魚湯 Turnip and Vermicelli Fish Soup