和風三文魚舞茸醬油炊飯 (用 Muji 飯素) Salmon and Mushrooms Rice in Japanese Style

森綠有時用Muji無印良品的飯素來做便當給孩子帶回學校,Muji 飯素沒有添加劑也蠻方便,當然材料是有限的。看到了Muji出了三文魚飯素,便想用之來做一頓簡單易做、材料又豐富的三文魚炊飯。以下是我的食譜,做法簡單,希望你們喜歡。


1. 米或珍珠米 (2.5 米杯,即 450 亳升)
2. 三文魚 (個人喜好,煎熟後切丁)
3. 洋蔥 (1個,切小條)
4. 毛豆.枝豆 (隨意)
5. 胡蘿蔔 (1/2 條,切小條)
6. 鴻禧菇 (1 包,切小條)

1. 和風昆布鰹魚汁 (1.5 + 1 湯匙,見下圖)
2. 味醂 (1.5 +1 湯匙)
3. 鹽 (1/2 茶匙,或隨個人口味)
4. 糖 (1 茶匙)
5. 清酒 (2 湯匙)
6. 水 (325 亳升)
7. 無印良品的三文魚舞茸飯素 (2 包,見下圖))

1. 準備材料:
1.1 大米: 把大米洗淨,浸泡30分鐘,然後瀝乾
1.2 三文魚: 用鹽、白胡椒粉和油醃三文魚的兩面,醃30分鐘
1.3 毛豆: 將毛豆煮沸 5 分鐘,然後取出豆並放一邊備用
1.4 飯素: 在一個大碗裡,倒入無印良品的飯素調味包,並加入和風昆布鰹魚汁(1.5湯匙)和味醂 (1.5湯匙),拌勻
2. 在鍋中,用中火將洋蔥炒至略軟
3. 加入胡蘿蔔和鴻禧菇,略炒
4. 加糖 (1茶匙)和鹽(1/2 茶匙)調味,略炒
5. 加入泡好的大米,略炒
6. 加入清酒(2 湯匙),煮至大部份酒已揮發掉
7. 加入飯素調味料和熱水(325 亳升),拌勻並弄平
8. 蓋上蓋子,用中火煮沸8分鐘
9. 然後關火,蓋上蓋子靜候15分鐘
10. 在等待米飯煮熟時,將三文魚的一面煎至金黃色
11. 加入醬油(1 湯匙)、味醂(1 湯匙)和水(1 湯匙)調味
12. 將三文魚翻到另一面並煎至金黃色
13. 把三文魚切成小塊,並去掉魚骨
14. 焗了 15 分鐘後,用中火將米飯重新加熱 2 分鐘
15. 把毛豆和三文魚加入米飯中。拌勻。這樣便完成了!

1. 如想更簡單,可用電飯鍋煮飯,在鍋內加入大米,蔬菜和加入飯的調味料(1-2, 5-7)。在飯將熟時,煎好三文魚並加入已熟的飯中

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~.~Reciype of Salmon and Mushrooms Rice in Japanese Style in English~.~.~

SumLook sometimes uses rice kits from Muji to cook simple lunch box for my sons. Recently, I saw Muji's Salmon and mushrooms rice kit (which of course do not have lot of salmon inside but it contains no additives) and thought of using it to make a salmon rice with a lot of salmon. I found this dish easy to make and yummy. Below is my recipe. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/gQsjzhFtW7I

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

1. Rice or Japanese rice (2.5 rice cups, 450 ml)
2. Salmon (Personal preference, diced)
3. Onion (1, julienned)
4. Green Soybean.Edamame Bean (some)
5. Carrot (1/2, cut into small sticks)
6. Small brown mushroom (1 pack, into small pieces)

1. Katsuo Tsuyu Sauce (Bonito Soya Sauce) (1.5 + 1 Tbsp, see pic below)
2. Mirin (2 + 1 Tbsp)
3. Salt (1/2 tsp, or personal preference)
4. Sugar (1 tsp)
5. Sake (2 Tbsp)
6. Water (325 ml)
7. Muji Salmon and Mushrooms Rice Kit (2 packs, see pic below)

How to cook:
1. Prepare the ingredients:
1.1 Rice: Wash the rice and soak for 30 minutes and then drain
1.2 Salmon: Marinate both sides of salmon with salt, white pepper and oil, for 30 minutes
1.3 Green Soybeans.Edamame: Boil green soybeans for 5 minutes, then remove and set aside the beans
1.4 Rice Seasoning: In a big bowl, pour in Muji rice seasoning kits. Then add in Bonito Soya Sauce (1.5 Tbsp) and Mirin (1.5 Tbsp), stir well
2. In a frying pan, over medium fire, fry onion until a bit soft
3. Add in carrot and small brown mushrooms, fry a bit
4. Season with sugar (1 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp), fry a bit
5. Add in soaked rice, fry a bit
6. Add in sake (2 Tbsp), fry until most wine is evaporated
7. Add in rice seasoning and hot water (325ml), mix well and lay flat
8. Put on the lid and boil for 8 minutes over medium heat
9. Then turn off fire, wait for 15 minutes with lid on
10. While waiting for the rice, fry one side of the salmon until brownish
11. Add in Soya Sauce(1 Tbsp), Mirin (1 Tbsp)and water (1 Tbsp)to season
12. Flip the salmon and fry the other side until brownish
13. Cut Salmon into small pieces and remove the bones
14. After 15 mins of rest, reheat the rice for 2 minutes over medium heat
14. And it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. For a more simple version, just use the rice cooker to cook the rice. In the rice cooker, mix the rice, all vegetables, and seasonings for rice(1-2, 5-7), then cook the rice. When the rice is about to be ready, fry the salmon and cut into pieces, then mix with the rice

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Happy cooking!
