藍莓瑪芬.鬆餅 Blueberry Muffin


這食譜可製作出大約 4-5人的份量。

1. 低筋麵粉 (220 克)
2. 桃核粉 (30 克)
3. 肉桂粉 (2 茶匙)
4. 泡打粉 (10 克)

1. 植物油(50 克)
2. 無鹽奶油.牛油(50 克)
3. 希臘優格(65 克)
4. 砂糖 (70 克)
5. 椰糖 (30 克)
6. 牛奶(45 克)
7. 鮮奶油 (20 克)
8. 雞蛋 (2顆,拌勻)
9. 香草籽醬 (1/2 茶匙)
10. 藍莓 (隨意)

1. 無鹽奶油.牛油(25 克)
2. 低筋麵粉 (25 克)
3. 砂糖 (20 克)

1. 把烤箱預熱20分鐘至200度
2. 將核桃磨成粉狀
3. 準備粉類材料
3.1 在一個大碗裡,篩入低筋麵粉和泡打粉
3.2 加入肉桂粉和核桃粉,拌勻
4. 準備非粉類材料
4.1 在另一個碗裡,混合已融化的無鹽奶油.牛油、植物油、糖、椰糖
4.2 加入雞蛋、希臘優格、牛奶、鮮奶油、香草籽醬
4.3 拌勻
5. 逐小,把蛋液加入麵粉中,拌勻,做成麵糊
6. 將麵糊加入鬆餅杯中,填滿容量的 60%。在上面加藍莓
7. 將鬆餅放入烤箱,200 度下烤 10 分鐘
8. 等待的時候,做菠蘿酥粒
8.1 將麵粉、糖和無鹽奶油.牛油加入碗中
8.2 將糖和麵粉揉入無鹽奶油.牛油中
8.3 並做成小粒塊
9. 烘烤鬆餅10分鐘後,將菠蘿酥粒放在鬆餅上
10. 用180度再烤15分鐘
11. 把牙籤剌入鬆餅看看鬆餅是否已烤好,乾淨的牙籤表示鬆餅已烤好了
12. 然後便完成了!

1. 也可以用蛋糕模來烤,但可能需要烤多一點時間
2. 很多人用了杏仁粉來做,但多了一些苦澀味,所以森綠用桃核粉代替

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~.~.Recipe of Blueberry Muffin~.~.~.

SumLook has revised a recipe for blueberry by adding walnut powder, which makes the muffin more yummy and aromatic. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/eOmh72iZbW4

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

Dry Ingredients:
1. Soft Flour (220 g)
2. Grounded Walnut (30 g)
3. Grounded Cinnamon (2 tsp)
4. Baking Powder (10 g)

Wet Ingredients:
1. Vegetable Oil(50 g)
2. Unsalted Butter(50 g)
3. Greek Yogurt(65 g)
4. Sugar (70 g)
5. Coconut Sugar (30 g)
6. Milk(45 g)
7. Whipping Cream (20 g)
8. Eggs (2, whisked)
9. Vanilla bean paste (1/2 tsp)
10. Blueberry (some)

Crispy top:
1. Unsalted Butter(25 g)
2. Soft Flour (25 g)
3. Sugar (20 g)

How to cook:
1. Preheat the oven for 20 mins to 200。C
2. Ground the walnuts until powder like
3. Prepare powder like ingredients:
3.1 In a big bowl, sieve the soft flour and baking soda
3.2 Add in grounded cinnamon and walnut, mix well
4. Prepare non-powder ingredients:
4.1 In another bowl, mix melted butter, vegetable oil, sugar, coconut sugar
4.2 Add in eggs, greek yogurt, milk, whipping cream, vanilla bean paste
4.3 Mix well
5. Bit by bit, add the egg mixture into the flour and mix well to make a batter
6. Add batter into muffin cup, fill up to 60% of volume. Add blueberries on top
7. Bake the muffins for 10 minutes at 200。C
8. While waiting, make the crispy top:
8.1 Add flour, sugar and butter into a bowl
8.2 Knead the sugar and flour into the butter
8.3 And make small lumps
9. After baking muffins for 10 mins, add the crispy top on top of muffin
10. Bake for another 15 mins at 180。C
11. Stick a toothpick into a muffic to check if it is cooked. A clean toothpick means the muffins are ready
12. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. Can also use cake mold to bake it but it might need a bit more time
2. Some recipes make use of almond powder but it has some bitter taste. Thus, I have used Walnut instead

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Happy cooking!
