日式玉子燒.煎蛋捲 Tamagoyaki (Japanese Egg roll)

日式玉子燒是我們的家常菜,因森綠一家都很喜歡吃韓式海苔,便也將之入餞,又健康又可口。這菜式又健康又美味,價錢又相宜,所以成為我們的家常菜! 希望大家也喜歡。

1. 蛋 (4 隻)
2. 味醂 (1 湯匙)
3. 糖 (15 克)
4. 鹽 (1/3 茶匙)
5. 白酒或清酒 (1 湯匙)
6. 日式柴魚高湯 (90 ml)
7. 韓式紫菜.海苔 (可選)

1. 把一些雞蛋打進一個大碗裡
2. 加入味醂、酒、日式柴魚高湯、糖和鹽,攪拌均勻
3. 用中火燒熱雞蛋煎鍋,並加入油
4. 在煎鍋上加入一些蛋液,薄薄地均勻鋪開
5. 確保雞蛋不會粘在煎鍋的邊位
6. 當表面只有很少的蛋液時,在上面放一層韓式紫菜
7. 將煮熟的雞蛋從煎鍋傾斜的一端捲到另一端
8. 將雞蛋移到煎鍋的傾斜的一端
9. 輕輕按壓蛋層,使不同蛋層粘在一起
10. 在煎鍋空的一邊,倒入一些蛋液
11. 提起煮熟的蛋層的底部或邊位,讓蛋液滑入下面
12. 重複步驟 6 至 11,直至用完所有蛋液並且雞蛋已煮熟

1. 留意火的強度,必要時把火轉小一些
2. 記得時不時按壓蛋層
3. 不加海苔也可以加芝士.起司或其他喜愛食材
4. 請按這裡看日式柴魚高湯的做法:

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~.~Recipe of Tamagoyaki in English~.~

This is one of our favorite family dish. I add in also Korean Seaweed snack as my kids love it and it is very health. This dish is healthy, yummy and inexpensive. Hope you like my recipe.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/kPBQKJHhaQI

1. Eggs (4)
2. Mirin (1 Tbsp)
3. Sugar (15g)
4. Salt (1/3 tsp)
5. White wine or Sake (1 Tbsp)
6. Japanese Bonito Fish Flakes Dashi (90 ml)
7. Korean Seaweed Snack (optional)

How to cook:
1. Crack some eggs into a big bowl
2. Add in Mirin, Wine, Japanese bonito fish flakes dashi, sugar and salt. Whisk and mix well
3. Over medium fire, add oil into egg frying pan
4. Add some whisked egg onto the pan, spread evenly and thinly
5. Make sure the egg does not stick to the side
6. When there is only little liquid on top, lay some seaweed snack on top
7. Roll the cooked egg from the sloped end of the pan to the other end
8. Move the eggs to the sloped end of the pan
9. Gently press on the layer of eggs so that the layers stick together
10. Pour some whisked eggs on the empty side of the pan
11. Lift up the bottom or sides of cooked eggs to let the egg liquid slide in under
12. Repeat step 6 to 11 until all whisked eggs is used up and the egg is well cooked

Personal thought and Tips:
1. Be careful with the fire, lower it if necessary
2. Remember to press the layers of eggs and flip it over from time to time
3. Besides seaweed snack, can also add cheese or other ingredients
4. Please click on this link to see how to prepare Bonito fish flake broth:

We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com

Happy cooking!
