馬鈴薯優格沙律 Potato Salad with Yogurt

森綠很喜歡馬鈴薯沙律,這食譜帶小小酸味很開胃可口。 希望大家也喜歡。

1. 馬鈴薯.土豆 (2個,切丁)
2. 黃瓜.青瓜 (1/2條,切薄片)
3. 洋蔥 (1/4,切幼絲)
4. 胡蘿蔔 (1/4條,切薄片)
5. 沙拉菜 (適量,切大片)
6. 蛋黃醬.美乃滋 (2-3 湯匙)
7. 原味優格.酸奶酪 (2-3 湯匙)
8. 煉奶.煉乳 (1.5 茶匙)
9. 鹽 (1/3 茶匙)
10. 檸檬汁 (1-2 茶匙)

1. 準備洋蔥和黃瓜
1.1 將洋蔥切幼絲,將黃瓜切薄片
1.2 在一個碗裡,混合黃瓜、洋蔥和一些鹽(1茶匙),並讓它靜止15分鐘
1.3 把黃瓜和洋蔥擠乾水分,放一邊備用
2. 將胡蘿蔔切半月形薄片,放入沸水略焯1分鐘,取出備用
3. 將已切丁的土豆放入沸水中,煮至熟。用牙籤檢查土豆是否軟熟
4. 把燙熟的土豆放在一個大碗裡,然後粗略地搗碎
5. 將黃瓜、洋蔥和胡蘿蔔也放入碗中
6. 加入蛋黃醬、少許煉乳、原味酸奶和少許鹽(1/3茶匙),拌勻
7. 加入少許檸檬汁,拌勻
8. 最後加入沙拉生菜拌勻
9. 這樣便完成了!

1. 調味料的份量可自己調整

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~.~.~Recipe of Potato Salad with Yogurt in English~.~

SumLook loves potato salad. This recipe is a little bit sour and very appetizing. Hope you like my recipe.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/YwrEYVztD7I

1. Potato (2, diced)
2. Cucumber (1/2, thinly sliced)
3. Onion (1/4, thinly julienned)
4. Carrot (1/4, thinly sliced)
5. Salad lettuce (some, torn into big pieces)
6. Mayo (2-3 Tbsp)
7. Plain Yogurt (2-3 Tbsp)
8. Condensed milk (1.5 tsp)
9. salt (1/3 tsp)
10. Lemon juice (1-2 tsp)

How to cook:
1. Prepare Onion and Cucumber
1.1 Thinly julienne the onion. Thinly slice cucumber
1.2 In a bowl, mix cucumber, onion and some salt; let it rest for 15 mins
1.3 Squeeze and remove water from cucumber and onion, and set aside
2. Thinly slice carrot (in semi-circle shape). Then Blanch it for 1 min. Take out and set aside
3. Boil the diced potato until cooked. Use a toothpick to check if potato is soft and cooked.
4. Put the hot cooked potato in a big bowl and roughly smash it
5. Add cucumber, onion and carrot into the bowl
6. Add mayo, little condensed milk, plain yogurt and little salt, mix well
7. Add some lemon juice and mix well
8. Lastly add in salad lettuce and mix well
9. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. For seasonings, can adjust the amount according to personal preference
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Happy cooking!
