豬骨 (1 磅) *
米粉 或 河粉 (適量)
蘿蔔 (1 棵,切大塊)
豬肉碎 (適量,不用醃)
肉丸 (適量)
銀芽 (適量)
蒜頭 (6-7 瓣)
蔥 (1-2 棵)
薑 (數片)
香芹 (適量,切丁)
芫茜 (適量)
* 可用豬骨湯 或 雞湯
魚露 (3 湯匙)
鹽 (1 茶匙)
糖 (3 茶匙)
青檸汁 (1 茶匙)
黑胡椒粒 (1 湯匙)
1.1 準備豬骨:
1.2 將已汆水的豬骨加入一鍋沸水中 (約1.5 公升)煮20分鐘做肉湯
1.3 然後加入蘿蔔、蒜頭(6-7 瓣)、芫茜根(先拍一拍)和黑胡椒粒
1.4 中火煮30分鐘或直至蘿蔔變軟
1.5 然後用鹽 (1 茶匙)、糖(2 茶匙)和魚露(2 湯匙)調味
1.6 再略煮,這樣湯底便做好了
2. 在等待湯底時,可以準備以下材料
2.1 準備一些炸蒜末備用。請看這個視頻詳細了解炸蒜末的方法:炸蒜末的方法
2.2 將花生放入食品袋中,然後用廚房紙巾蓋住。用錘子敲碎花生,直至你喜歡的幼細度
2.3 把米粉煮至9成熟,然後瀝乾備用
2.4 用油或少許水將豬肉末(無需醃)煮熟。當豬肉快熟時,如果有的話,把鍋裡的水倒掉。豬肉煮熟後,取出備用
2.5 把肉丸煮熟,然後取出備用
3. 可以上菜時
3.1 在碗裡加入調味料: 魚露 (1湯匙)、糖(1 茶匙)和青檸汁(1 茶匙)
3.2 把米粉和銀芽放在勺子裡。用沸水將米粉重新加熱,並將芽菜略焯。撈出並瀝乾米粉和銀芽
3.3 把米粉和銀芽放入碗裡
3.4 在上面,加入花生碎、豬肉碎和肉丸
3.5 然後加入蘿蔔和湯
3.6 加入炸蒜末、中芹菜和芫茜
3.7 然後就完成了!
1. 森綠有時用腸粉來代替泰式的大片河粉
2. 吃時,可加入泰國辣椒粉會更好味和更有東南亞風味
3. 在 3.1 的調味料可隨個人喜好改變
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~Recipe of Thai Style Noodle in Soup~.~.~
SumLook loves Thai noodle in soup. And I learned the basic soup base from a event of a Thai Spa company, then I revised it to come up this recipe. It came out very yummy and tasty. It involves quite some steps but is easy to make. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/4p2uHfwNNCo
This recipe can make 4-5 servings
Pork bones (1 pound) *
Rice noodle (some)
Turnip (1 , cut in big pieces)
Minced pork (some, no need to marinate)
Meatballs (some)
Sprout (some)
Garlic (6-7 cloves)
Spring Onion (1-2 stalks)
Ginger (a few slices) Chinese Celery (some, diced)
Parsley (some)
* Can use pork broth or chicken broth
Fish Sauce (3 Tbsp)
Salt (1 tsp)
Sugar (3 tsp)
Lime juice (1 tsp)
Black Peppercorn (1 Tbsp)
How to cook:
1. First prepare the soup base:
1.1 Preparation of pork bones:
Add pork bones in cold water, boil with spring onion and ginger for 10 minutes. Then take the bones out, rinse with water, pat dry for later use. Please see this video for preparation of pork back ribs in detail:How to prepare pork backribs
1.2 Add the blanched pork bones in boiling water (1.5L), boil for 20 minutes to prepare the broth
1.3 Then add turnip, garlic and patted roots of parsley and black peppercorn
1.4 Over medium heat, boil for 30 mins or until turnip is soft
1.5 Then season with salt (1 tsp) and sugar (2 tsp) and Fish Sauce (2 Tbsp)
1.6 Cook a bit, then the soup base is done
2. While waiting for soup base, we can prepare the followings:
2.1 Deep fried minced garlic for later use. Please see this video for deep-frying minced garlic in detail:Deep-frying minced garlic
2.2 Put the peanuts into a food bag, then cover it with kitchen towel. Crush the peanuts with hammer until they are fine enough for you
2.3 Boil rice noodle until 90% cooked, then drain for later use
2.4 Cook the minced pork (no need to be marinated) with oil or little water. When the pork is about cooked, remove the water from the pot if any. When the pork is cooked, set aside for later use
2.5 Boil the meatballs until well cooked, then take out for later use
3. When it is time to serve
3.1 Add seasoning in a bowl: fish sauce, sugar and lime juice
3.2 Put the rice noodle and sprout in a ladle. Reheat the rice noodle and blanch the sprout a bit in boiling water. Take out and drain the rice noodle and sprout
3.3 Add the noodle and sprout into the bowl
3.4 On top, add crushed peanut, minced pork and meatballs
3.5 Then add in turnip and the soup
3.6 Add in deep-fried garlic, Chinese celery and parsley
3.7 Then it is done!
Personal tips and thoughts:
1. Add some Thai Chili powder when you are enjoying the noodle, it will bring out even more south-east Asian taste
2. For seasonings in Step 3.1, the portion can be adjusted according to personal preference
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Happy cooking!