Spring Risotto 春日意大利燴飯 (露筍夏南瓜燴飯) (讓身體感受春天的健康美食)

森綠很喜歡吃蔬菜,在電視上看到Jamie Oliver 的煮法,略改動了食譜和加上了自己喜愛的蒜蓉煎蝦,是我們一家喜愛的健康美食。很容易煮,也健康、美味。以下是我的食譜,做法簡單,希望你們喜歡。

這食譜可製作出大約 4-5 人份的煨飯

夏南瓜 (1 條,切成半圓形切片)
露筍 (1 束,切丁或小段)
紫或白洋蔥 (1 個,切丁)
青豆 (隨意)*
西芹 (1-2 條,切丁)
白酒 (1 杯)
米或珍珠米 (2.5 米杯,即 450 ml)
橄欖油 (隨意)
牛油 (1 湯匙)
上湯 (雞、豬 或素菜) (約 1 升)
* 可改用毛豆或枝豆

1. 先準備材料 1.1 把大米清洗2次,然後用已煲過的水浸10分鐘
1.2 如果用的是毛豆,先煮至熟,然後把毛豆從殼取出
1.3 把蘆筍底部去皮,然後切成小段或粒
1.4 在芹菜上切一小刀口,把它掰開,把芹菜的主脈摘掉,然後把芹菜倒過來,也把芹菜的主脈摘掉,然後將芹菜切丁
1.5 將夏南瓜切成兩半並切片(切成半圓形切片)
1.6 煮好上湯並在開始烹煮時重新加熱
2. 中火熱鍋,加入橄欖油,然後加入牛油
3. 將洋蔥略炒,然後加入西芹同炒
4. 炒至洋蔥變軟,然後加入泡好的米一起略炒
5. 加入白酒,煮至大部份酒已揮發掉
6. 加入一些熱上湯,炒至大部分上湯被吸收
7. 當上湯被吸收後,再加入一些上湯。重複此操作,直至米飯70%熟
8. 加入夏南瓜略炒,然後加入一些上湯
9. 用糖 (1.5 茶匙) 和鹽 (1.5-2 茶匙) 調味,拌勻
10. 加入蘆筍一起炒
11. 如水份不夠,加入一點上湯
12. 加入青豆或煮熟的毛豆,拌勻
13. 加入少許黑胡椒,拌勻
14. 最後把火調低,一點點加入帕瑪森芝士,拌勻
15. 這樣便完成了!


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~.~Recipe of Spring Risotto in English~.~

SumLook loves vegetables. I saw Jamie Oliver cooking veggie risotto on TV so I revised it a bit and added on top with my favorite fried shrimp with garlic. This is a easy and delicious healthy dish. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/PxM-Y_XBN8U

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

Zucchini (1, make semi-circle slices)
Asparagus (1 bunch, diced)
Purple onion or white onion (1, diced)
Green Peas (some)*
Celery (1-2 stalks, diced)
White wine (1 cup)
Rice or Japanese rice (2.5 rice cups, 450 ml)
Olive Oil (some)
Butter (1 Tbsp)
Broth (Chicken, Pork or Veggi) (about 1L)
Parmesan cheese (some)
* Can use Green Soybean or Edamame also

How to cook:
1. First prepare the ingredients:
1.1 Wash the rice and then soak in cooked water for 10 minutes
1.2 If green soybeans are used, first boil them until cooked. Then get the beans out
1.3 Peel the bottom part of the asparagus and then cut into small pieces
1.4 Make a small cut in celery, break it and pull off the vein of celery. Turn celery upside down, do the same. Then dice the celery
1.5 Cut zucchini into halves and slice it (semi-circles slices)
1.6 Cook the broth and reheat it when you start cooking
2. Over medium heat, add olive oil then butter into the wok
3. Fry the diced onion a bit, then add diced celery to fry together
4. Fry until onion is soft, then add soaked rice to fry together a bit
5. Add in white wine, fry until most wine is evaporated
6. Add in some hot broth, fry until most broth is absorbed
7. When broth is absorbed, add in some broth. Repeat this until rice is 70% cooked
8. Add in zucchini, fry a bit and then add some broth
9. Season with sugar (1.5 tsp) and salt (1.5-2 tsp), mix well
10. Add in Asparagus and fry together
11. If there is not enough liquid, add in a bit of broth
12. Add in green peas or boiled green soybeans, mix well
13. Add some black pepper, mix well
14. Lastly, lower the heat, stir in parmesan cheese bit by bit, mix well
15. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. If you don't have enough broth, can use water instead
2. When cooking the rice, need to keep stirring; otherwise, the rice will stick at the bottom and burn

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Happy cooking!
