稻荷壽司 Inari Sushi


這食譜可製作出大約 24 件的稻荷壽司

已調味稻荷豆腐袋 . Inari Age (24 塊)
米 . Uncooked rice (2.5 杯,約 450ml 的米)
胡蘿蔔 (1/2條,切細丁) . Carrot
烤過白芝麻 (1 湯匙) . Toasted white sesame
水 . Water (適量)

炸豆腐袋包內的醬料 . Sauce inside the packages of inari age (全部)
醬油 . Soya Sauce (1 湯匙)
味琳 . Mirin (1 湯匙)

1. 將胡蘿蔔切細丁
2. 準備調味料:
2.1 將稻荷豆腐包裝袋內的所有醬汁倒入碗中,把稻荷豆腐袋內的醬汁也擠出來
2.2 加入味醂(1 湯匙)和醬油(1 湯匙); 拌勻
3. 把稻荷豆腐袋包好並留待備用
4. 在電飯煲中將醬汁與洗淨瀝乾的米飯混合
5. 加入水,直到有足夠的液體煮飯,然後開始煮飯
6. 當飯熟後,加入胡蘿蔔丁和烤白芝麻。 拌勻,並讓飯冷卻
7. 打開稻荷豆腐袋,嘗試把兩個角張得大些
8. 把足夠的白飯擠入稻荷豆腐袋。 合上口袋
9. 然後就完成了!

1. 森綠喜歡飯軟些,所以通常會加多些水煮飯。以煮2杯米的份量,我會用大概煮2.5杯米的水。所以可以依喜歡飯的軟硬度,調節水份

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Inari Sushi in English~.~

SumLook loves this dish very much. It is yummy and super easy to make. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/K6jbZdNhH_A

This recipe can make about 24 pieces of Inari Sushi.

Inari Age (24 pieces)
Uncooked rice (2.5 cups, about 450ml of rice)
Carrot (1/2, finely diced)
Toasted white sesame (1 Tbsp)
Water (enough to cook rice)

Soya Sauce (1 Tbsp)
Mirin (1 Tbsp)
Sauce inside the packages of Inari Age (all)

How to cook:
1. Finely dice the carrot
2. Prepare the marinade:
2.1 Pour all the sauce in Inari Age package into a bowl. Squeeze out also the sauce in the inari age
2.2 Add in Mirin and Soya Sauce; and mix well
3. Wrap up the Inari Age and set aside for later use
4. Mix the sauce with washed and drained rice in the rice cooker
5. Pour in water until the liquid is enough for cooking the rice. Then start cooking the rice
6. When the rice is ready, add in carrot and toasted white sesame. Mix well and let the rice cool down
7. Open the inari pocket, try to widen the corners
8. Grab enough rice and stuff into inari pocket. Close the pocket 9. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. SumLook likes rice that is a bit soft. Thus, I usually add a little bit more water to cook the rice. For 2 cups of uncooked rice, the amount of water I use will be for 2.5 cups of rice.

We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com

Happy cooking!
