照燒煎釀大啡菇 Stuffed Portobello mushroom with Teriyaki sauce


這食譜可製作出大約 3-4 個釀大啡菇的份量

1. 免治豬肉 (半磅)
2. 大啡菇 (3-4個,抺淨去蒂)
3. 洋蔥 (1/3個,切碎)
4. 蔥 (2-3 棵,切碎)
5. 胡蘿蔔 (1/3個,切碎)
6. 蛋 (1隻)
7. 麵包糠 (1-2 湯匙)
8. 粟粉 (4 茶匙)
9. 糖 (2 茶匙)
10. 醬油 (2 湯匙)
11. 芝麻油 (1 湯匙)

照燒醬汁 (4 湯匙,見下圖)
水 (6 湯匙)
糖 (1.5 茶匙)

1. 製作餡料:
1.1 在碗內把洋蔥碎、蔥花、胡蘿蔔加入免治豬肉內
1.2 加入雞蛋、麵包糠(1-2 湯匙)、糖(2 茶匙)、粟粉.玉米澱粉(4 茶匙)、醬油(2 湯匙)和芝麻油.香油(1 湯匙)
1.3 然後把所有材料拌勻
1.4 有時間的話,用保鮮膜將混合好的材料蓋包好,放入冰箱冷藏2小時
2. 用餡料填滿大啡菇;輕輕壓按使其牢固
3. 中火,將釀好的大啡菇的兩面煎至熟。然後取出備有
4. 將照燒醬汁(4 湯匙)、水 (6 湯匙)和糖(1.5 茶匙)混合
5. 在乾淨的平底鍋裡,加入已混合好的醬,然後放入釀好的大啡菇
6. 中小火,蓋上蓋子,煮至醬汁有些沸騰
7. 將大啡菇翻到另一面,讓另一面吸收醬汁
8. 不時翻動大啡菇,直到醬汁濃稠,然後取出大啡菇
9. 稀釋或用粟粉水勾芡,煮至個人喜愛的稠度
10. 把醬汁加到大啡菇上
11. 這樣便完成了!

1. 在1.4的步驟,沒時間的話,把餡料拌勻後便可釀入大啡菇

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~.~.~Recipe of Stuffed Portobello mushroom with Teriyaki sauce in English~.~

We often cook this dish at home. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/gtUDsbxp9tI

This recipe can make 3-4 stuffed portobellos.

1. Minced pork (1/2 pound)
2. Portobello mushrooms (3-4, wipe clean and remove the stems)
3. Onion (1/3, finely diced or minced)
4. Spring onion (2-3 stalks, finely chopped)
5. Carrot (1/3, finely diced or minced)
6. Egg (1)
7. Bread crumb (1-2 Tbsp)
8. Cornstarch (4 tsp)
9. Sugar (2 tsp)
10. Soya sauce (2 Tbsp)
11. Sesame Oil (1 Tbsp)

Teriyaki Sauce (4 Tbsp, see pic below)
Water (6 Tbsp)
Sugar (1.5 tsp)

How to cook:
1. Making the fillings:
1.1 In a bowl, add finely diced onion, spring onion and carrot into minced pork
1.2 Add in egg, bread crumb(1-2 Tbsp), sugar(2 tsp), corn starch(4 tsp), soya sauce (2 Tbsp)and sesame oil(1 Tbsp)
1.3 Mix well all ingredients
1.4 If time allows, cover the mixed ingredients with a wrap, cool it for 2 hours in the fridge
2. Stuff the portobello mushroom with fillings; press to make it firm
3. Over medium heat, fry both sides of stuffed portobello until cooked. Then take out and set aside
4. Mix well teriyaki sauce(4 Tbsp), water (6 Tbsp)and sugar(1.5 tsp)
5. In a clean pan, add the mixed sauce and then stuffed mushrooms
6. Over medium low heat, with a lid on, cook until the sauce boils a bit
7. Flip the mushroom to let the other side absorb the sauce
8. Flip mushroom from time to time until the sauce is thick, then take out the mushrooms
9. Dilute or thicken the sauce by cornstarch solution, until the sauce is as thick as you want
10. Add the sauce on to the portobello
11. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. For step 1.4, if you don't have enough time, can stuff the portobello after the fillings are mixed
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Happy cooking!
