這食譜可製作出大約 30 顆的鍋貼
1. 麵粉 (300g)
2. 水 (150-160 ml)
3. 鹽 (1/4 茶匙)
1. 瘦豬肉 (500g,肉碎)
2. 肥豬肉 (100g,肉碎)
3. 蝦 (300g)
4. 雞蛋 (1隻)
5. 椰菜.捲心菜 (1/2個,切細丁)
6. 醬油(1-2 湯匙)
7. 蠔油(1 湯匙)
8. 白胡椒粉(適量)
9. 鹽(1/2 茶匙)
10. 糖(1 茶匙)
11. 粟粉(1-2 湯匙,可免)
12. 雞湯(20 ml,可用水代替)
1.1 麵粉加少許鹽拌勻,分次加入冷水揉成麵團
1.2 用手揉麵團,直至麵團不粘手,也沒有剩下麵粉
1.3 用毛巾蓋住麵團,讓麵團鬆弛 1 小時
2. 準備餃子餡料
2.1 把蝦拍成糊狀,與豬肉碎和雞蛋混合
2.2 用糖 (1 茶匙)、鹽(1/2 茶匙)、白胡椒粉、醬油(1-2 湯匙)和蠔油(1 湯匙)調味,然後拌勻
2.3 加入少許雞湯或水 (20 ml),拌勻。醃30分鐘
2.4 加入切碎的椰菜,拌勻
3. 當麵團已可用來作餃子皮
3.1 在檯面上撒上麵粉,將麵團做成長條並分成小份或小球
3.2 把每份麵團做成一個小球,拍平
3.3 用滾筒將小球滾平成一個圓形餃子皮
4. 將一些餡料舀到餃子皮的中心上
5. 將餃子皮對折疊,並在邊緣位折疊和壓一下來封口
6. 中高火,在鍋中加熱油並加入鍋貼
7. 加入鍋貼,煎至底部略帶褐色
8. 加入熱水至鍋貼高度的1/3,然後蓋上蓋子
9. 當大部分水已蒸發後,挪開蓋子
10. 用中火煎至幾乎所有水分蒸發
11. 這樣便完成了!
1. 第8步驟的水的份量需要按鍋內鍋貼的多少而調節,這裡的份量是假設鍋內裝滿了鍋貼
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~Recipe of Pot Stickers~.~.~
Sumlook's good friend shared this recipe and we have made this video together. This recipe is easy and yummy. We hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/P4qaZkjxc44
This recipe can make about 30 pieces of Pot stickers
Ingredients for dumpling wraps:
1. Plain Flour (300g)
2. Water (150-160ml)
3. Salt (1/4 tsp)
Ingredients for fillings:
1. Lean Pork (500g, minced)
2. Pork Fat (100g, minced)
3. Shrimp (300g, smashed into paste)
4. Egg (1)
5. Cabbage (1/2, finely diced)
6. Soya Sauce(1-2 Tbsp)
7. Oyster Sauce(1 Tbsp)
8. White Pepper(some)
9. Salt(1/2 tsp)
10. Sugar(1 tsp)
11. Cornstarch(1 Tbsp, optional)
12. Chicken broth or water(20 ml)
How to cook:
1. First prepare the dough for wrap:
1.1 Mix plain flour with little salt, then gradually add in cold water to make dough
1.2 Knead the dough with hands until dough is not sticky and no flour remains
1.3 Cover the dough with towel and let it rest for 1 hour
2. Prepare the fillings
2.1 Pat shrimp into paste and mix it with minced pork and egg
2.2 Season with sugar, salt, white pepper, soya sauce and oyster sauce, then mix well
2.3 Add some chicken broth (or water) and mix well
2.4 Add in chopped cabbage and mix well. Marinate for 30 minutes
3. When the dough is ready to make wraps
3.1 Sprinkle surface with flour, roll dough and divide it into small portions (balls)
3.2 For each portion, make a small ball, pat it flat
3.3 Use a roller to roll the small ball into a round flat dumpling wrap
4. Scoop some filling onto the center of the wrap
5. Fold the wrap into halves, fold and press the edges together to seal
6. Over medium high heat, heat up oil in the pan
7. Add in pot stickers and fry until the bottom is a bit brownish
8. Add hot water up to 1/3 of the height of pot sticker, then cover with lid
9. Remove the lid when most water is evaporated
10. Over medium heat, fry until almost all water is evaporated
11. Then it is done!
Personal thought and Tips:
1. In step 8, the amount of hot water should be adjusted according to the amount of pot stickers in the frying pan. The figure here is based on a frying pan full of pot stickers
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Happy cooking!