薑蔥醬豚肉炒飯 Fry Rice with Pork Belly in Spring Onion Sauce (惹味好吃的家常菜)



米飯 (用270 ml的米所煮出的份量)
五花腩肉片 (300g) *
芥蘭莖 (適量,切丁)
薑蓉連汁 (3 茶匙)
洋蔥 (半個,切細丁)
京蔥 (白色一段,切幼片)
蒜頭 (3瓣,切蓉)
蔥 (切丁後約半杯份量)
蛋 (3隻)
烘過的白芝麻 (2 茶匙)
* 切三段或容易入口的大小

檸檬汁 (3 茶匙)
醬油 (3 湯匙)
糖 (2 茶匙)
鹽 (1 茶匙)
清酒 (2-3 湯匙)
黑胡椒粉 (適量)

1. 準備芥蘭莖
1.1 把芥蘭莖的外皮除去並切丁
1.2 將糖和鹽加入沸水中,放入芥蘭莖煮至幾乎熟,然後取出備用
2. 準備薑蔥醬
2.1 在一個大碗裡,加入蔥粒、蒜末和切成薄片的京蔥(只有白色部分)
2.2 加入鹽 (1茶匙)、糖 (2茶匙)、清酒 (2-3湯匙)、薑末和薑汁 (3茶匙)、黑胡椒粉,醬油 (3湯匙),檸檬汁 (3茶匙)
2.3 攪拌均勻
3. 用一些薑蔥醬醃五花腩肉片,拌勻,醃約10-15分鐘
4. 加少許鹽入雞蛋中,拌勻
5. 用中火炒雞蛋至差不多熟,掰成小塊。然後把蛋取出備用
6. 用同一個鍋,把五花肉炒至剛剛熟,然後取出備用
7. 在同一個鍋中,將洋蔥丁炒至半透明
8. 加入米飯,略炒
9. 用鹽(1/2 茶匙)、糖(1 茶匙)和醬油(1 湯匙)調味。 炒勻
10. 將剩餘的薑蔥醬和五花肉片加入米飯中,拌勻
11. 炒至米飯熱,和醬汁已全被吸收
12. 加入早前準備了的炒蛋和芥蘭莖,拌勻
13. 最後加入烘過的白芝麻。 然後便完成了!

1. 調味料的份量可按個人喜好調整。

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Fry Rice with Pork Belly in Spring Onion Sauce~.~.~

Sumlook loves Spring Onion Sauce. It can simply eat with Barbecued meat and go with rice very well. Fry Pork belly with spring onion sauce is just very yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/k6ncGh3O6DI

This recipe can make 3-4 servings

Cooked Rice (the amount that is coooked by 270 ml of rice)
Sliced Pork Belly (300g) *
Stems of Kale (some, diced)
Minced Ginger with juice (3 tsp)
Onion (1/2, diced)
Leek (1 stalk, white part only, finely sliced)
Garlic (3 cloves, minced)
Spring Onion (1/2 cup after diced)
Egg (3)
Toasted white sesame (2 tsp)
* Cut into bite-size

Lemon juice (3 tsp)
Soya Sauce (3 Tbsp)
Sugar (2 tsp)
Salt (1 tsp)
Sake (2-3 Tbsp)
Black Pepper (some)

How to cook:
1. Prepare the stems of Kale
1.1 Remove the hard peel of stems of Kale and dice
1.2 Add sugar and salt into boiling water. Add in the kale and boil until almost cooked then take out and set aside
2. Prepare the spring onion sauce
2.1 In a big bowl, add diced spring onion, minced garlic and thinly sliced leek (only white part)
2.2 Season with salt (1 tsp), sugar (2 tsp), sake (2-3 Tbsp), minced ginger and ginger juice(3 tsp), black pepper, soya sauce (3 Tbsp), lemon juice (3 tsp)
2.3 Mix well
3. Marinate the pork belly with some spring onion sauce for 10-15 minutes
4. Add little salt into eggs and whisk well
5. Over medium heat, fry eggs until almost cooked, break into small pieces. Take the eggs out. Set aside for later use
6. In the same pan, fry the pork belly until just cooked then take out for later use
7. In the same pan, fry diced onion until half transparent
8. Add in cooked rice, fry a bit
9. Season with salt (1/2 tsp), sugar (1 tsp) and soya sauce (1 Tbsp). Fry and mix well
10. Add the remaining spring onion sauce and pork belly into rice
11. Fry until the rice is hot and the sauce is all absorbed
12. Add in fried egg and boiled kale, mix well
13. Lastly add in toasted white sesame. Then it is done!

Personal tips and thoughts:
1. The amount of seasonings can be adjusted for personal preference

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Happy cooking!
