韓式泡菜豚肉炊飯 Fry Rice with Kimchi and Pork Belly



米 (270 ml)
五花腩肉片 (300g) *
泡菜 (200g)
洋蔥 (半個,切細丁)
京蔥 (白色一段,切幼片)
蒜頭 (3瓣,切蓉)
蔥 (切丁後3-4湯匙)
蛋 (3隻,可選)
上湯或水 (270 + 50 ml)
清酒 (2-3 湯匙)
芝麻油 (適量)
帕瑪森芝士 (3 Tbsp)
* 切三段或容易入口的大小

韓式辣醬 (1.5 茶匙)
醬油 (2 湯匙)
糖 (1 茶匙)
鹽 (1/2 茶匙)

1. 把米洗淨,然後浸泡30分鐘
2. 將泡菜切成粗條
3. 把五花腩肉片切三段或切成容易入口的大小,炒熟後取出備用
4. 用中火炒洋蔥丁、京蔥片和蒜末,加入少許芝麻油,炒至洋蔥呈透明狀
5. 加入浸泡好的米,略炒
6. 加入一些清酒(2-3湯匙),炒至清酒全被吸收
7. 加入肉湯或水 (270 ml)
8. 用鹽 (1/2 tsp)、糖 (1 stp)、醬油 (2 Tbsp) 和韓式辣醬( 1.5 tsp)調味;拌勻
9. 必要時加少許水 (約50ml)
10. 將泡菜和已炒熟的五花肉片舖在米飯上
11. 蓋上蓋子,中火煮8分鐘
12. 大火煮30秒
13. 再用小火煮2分鐘。然後關火,靜置15分鐘
14. 當飯快熟時,煎太陽蛋,備用(可選)
15. 當飯煮熟後,將飯和蔥粒混合,然後弄平
16. 在上面撒上一些帕瑪森芝士,然後放上太陽蛋
17. 蓋上蓋子,用中小火煮3分鐘。 然後便完成了!

1. 米飯和水的份量一般為1:1,即270 ml 米飯便下 270ml 的水。森綠較喜歡軟熟的飯,所以額外加了一些水。

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Fry Rice with Kimchi and Pork Belly~.~.~

Sumlook saw someone cooking Kimchi fried rice and thought about cooking it with the tastes I prefer. The dish came out very tasty and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/cY5NXYcmufk

This recipe can make 3-4 servings

Rice (270 ml)
Sliced Pork Belly (300g) *
Kimchi (200g)
Onion (1/2, diced finely)
Leek (1 stalk, white part only, finely sliced)
Garlic (3 cloves, minced)
Spring Onion (3-4 Tbsp after diced)
Egg (3, optional)
Meat broth or water (270 + 50 ml)
Sake (2-3 Tbsp)
Sesame oil (some)
Parmesan cheese (3 Tbsp)
* Cut into bite-size

Korean Chili paste (1.5 tsp)
Soya Sauce (2 Tbsp)
Sugar (1 tsp)
Salt (1/2 tsp)

How to cook:
1. Rinse the rice and soak it for 30 mins
2. Roughly cut Kimchi into big pieces
3. Cut sliced pork belly into 3 pieces or into suitable size. Fry the pork belly until cooked then take out for later use
4. Over medium heat, fry diced onion, sliced leek and minced garlic. Then add a little bit of sesame oil, fry until onion is transparent
5. Add in soaked rice, fry a bit
6. Add some Sake, fry until Sake is absorbed
7. Add in the broth or water (270 ml)
8. Season with salt, sugar, soya sauce and Korean chili paste; mix well
9. Add little water (about 50 ml) if need
10. Lay Kimchi and fried pork belly on top of the rice
11. Put the lid on, cook over medium heat for 8 mins
12. Cook over high heat for 30 secs
13. Cook over low heat for 2 mins. Then turn off the fire, let it rest for 15 mins
14. When the rice is almost done, fry sunny eggs, set aside (optional)
15. When rice is cooked, mix rice with diced spring onion, and pat it flat
16. Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top, then lay sunny eggs on top
17. Put the lid on and cook over medium low heat for 3 mins. Then it is done!

Personal tips and thoughts:
1. Usually the ratio between rice and water is 1:1. Since I like it a bit soft, I added extra water into the rice

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Happy cooking!
