Pasta with Chicken and Snow Peas in Creamy Sauce 荷蘭豆雞肉白汁意大利麵



1. 煙肉.培根 . Bacon (3-4片,切條)
2. 雞肉 . Chicken (约一磅,切條)
3. 洋蔥 . Onion (1 個,切條)
4. 京蔥 . Leek (2 棵,切片)
5. 荷蘭豆 . Snow Peas (適量)
6. 馬鈴薯.土豆 . Potato (1 個,切丁)
7. 意大利麵. Pasta (約 400 克)
8. 蒜頭 . Garlic (3 瓣,切蓉)
9. 帕瑪森芝士 . Parmesan Cheese(4 湯匙,隨意)
10. 麵粉 . Plain Flour(4-5 湯匙)
11. 黑胡椒粉 . Black Pepper (適量)
12. 糖 . Sugar (2 - 3 茶匙)
13. 鹽 . Salt (1 - 2 茶匙)
14. 黃芥末 . Yellow Mustard (2 - 3 茶匙)
15. 白酒 . White Wine (約 25+50 ml)
16. 牛奶 . Milk (250 ml)
17. 乾香草粉 . Dry mixed herbs (個人喜好 optional)
18. 天然雞粉 Organic chicken powder (少量,個人喜好 optional)

1. 首先處理好材料:
1.1 切去荷蘭豆的尾端並除去硬纖維。將糖、鹽和油加入一鍋沸水中。 放荷蘭豆入沸水中略焯(約10秒),然後取出。 將已焯的荷蘭豆切成兩半
1.2 用鹽 (1/2茶匙) 、糖 (2/3 茶匙)、黑胡椒粉、油 (1 湯匙) 和粟粉 (1 茶匙) 醃雞肉,拌勻
1.3 將鹽加入沸水中,然後開始煮馬鈴薯和意大利麵
2. 煮意大利麵時,也開始煮醬汁
2.1 用中火熱鍋,在煎鍋中加入少許油
2.2 加入培根,炒至培根出油
2.3 把培根推到鍋的一邊,在空的一邊加入雞肉並炒香
2.4 先炒熟雞肉的一面,然後混和培根一起炒。待雞肉快熟時,加入一些白酒 (25 ml)。當大部分酒精蒸發後,取出雞肉和培根待用
2.5 在同一個鍋裡,加入洋蔥、京蔥和一點油
2.6 然後加入蒜頭,略炒
2.7 加入白酒(50 ml),炒至洋蔥略軟
2.8 加入麵粉(4-5 湯匙),與其他材料混合均勻
2.9 加入牛奶(250 ml),拌勻,轉中小火
2.10 加入水(約 400 ml),拌勻,轉中火
2.11 當醬汁快要煮沸時,加入已炒的雞肉和培根
2.12 用鹽 (1/2茶匙) 、糖 (2/3 茶匙)、黃芥末 (2-3 茶匙)和黑胡椒調味
2.13 加入有機雞粉(1/2茶匙,可選)乾香草粉,拌勻
3. 當醬汁快要煮沸時,加入差不多熟的意大利麵和土豆,拌勻
4. 最後加入焯過的荷蘭豆和帕瑪森芝士,拌勻
5. 這樣便完成了!

1. 在放意大利麵和馬鈴薯入醬汁時,盡可能瀝乾,但如醬汁太稠時,則可加入一些用來煮意大利麵的水
2. 荷蘭豆可改用西蘭花


~.~.~Recipe of Pasta with Chicken and Snow Peas in Creamy Sauce in English~.~.~

SumLook's family loves pasta so I always try out different pasta sauce. This white sauce is yummy and easy to make. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video:

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

1. Bacon (3-4 slices, julienned)
2. Chicken (about 1 pound, julienned)
3. Onion (1, julienned)
4. Leek (2 stalks, sliced)
5. Snow Peas (some)
6. Potato (1, diced)
7. Pasta (about 400 g)
8. Garlic (3 cloves, minced)
9. Parmesan Cheese(4 Tbsp, personal preference)
10. Plain Flour(4-5 Tbsp)
11. Black Pepper (some)
12. Sugar (2 - 3 tsp)
13. Salt (1 - 2 tsp)
14. Yellow Mustard (2 - 3 tsp)
15. White Wine (about 25+50 ml)
16. Milk (250 ml)
17. Dry mixed herbs (optional)
18. Organic chicken powder (some, optional)

How to cook:
1. First prepare the ingredients:
1.1 Removing the tips of snow peas and pulling off the hard fiber. Add sugar, salt and oil into a pot of boiling water. Blanch snow peas in boiling water for about 10 seconds then take out. Cut the snow peas in halves
1.2 Marinate chicken with salt (1/2 tsp), sugar(2/3 tsp), black pepper, oil (1 Tbsp) and cornstarch (1 tsp); mix well
1.3. Add salt into boiling water, and then start to boil potato and pasta
2. While cooking the pasta, make the sauce
2.1 Over medium fire, add little oil into frying pan
2.2 Add in bacon and fry until some fat of bacon is out
2.3 Put bacon on a side, add and fry chicken on the empty side
2.4 First cook one side of chicken then mix and fry together with bacon. When chicken is almost cooked, add in some white wine. When most alcohol evaporated, take out chicken and bacon for later use
2.5 In the same wok, add in onion, leek and some oil
2.6 Then Add in garlic, fry a bit
2.7 Add in white wine (50 ml), fry until the onion is a bit soft
2.8 Add in flour (4-5 Tbsp)and mix well with the ingredients
2.9 Add in Milk (250 ml), mix well, change to medium low heat
2.10 Add in water (about 400 mls), stir well, change to medium heat
2.11 When the sauce is about to boil, add in fried chicken and bacon
2.12 Season with salt (1/2 tsp), sugar(2/3 tsp), yellow mustard (2-3 tsp)and black pepper
2.13 Add in organic chicken powder (1/2 tsp, optional) and dried mix herbs, mix well
3. When the sauce is about to boil, add the almost cooked pasta and potato and mix well
4. Lastly, add in blanched snow peas and parmesan cheese, mix well
5. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. When add the pasta and potato into the sauce, try to drain them thoroughly. However, if the sauce appears to be sticky, the can add in some water used to cook pasta
2. Can replace snow peas with broccoli

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Happy cooking!
