泰式香辣茄子炒肉碎 Thai Fry Eggplants with minced pork and Thai Basil


不吃辣的話,可以試我們另一版本 九層塔茄子炒肉碎

這食譜可製作出大約 4-5 人份量

1. 茄子 (6-7條 幼茄子,開邊切段)
2. 免治豬肉 * (半磅)
3. 燈籠椒 (1 個,切粒)
4. 鮮冬菇 (4-5顆,切粒)
5. 九層塔 (適量)
6. 蒜頭(3瓣,切粒)
* 豬肉先用少許醬油、糖、粟粉、水和油略醃

1. 泰式辣椒膏 (2 湯匙)
2. 魚露 (2 湯匙)
3. 糖 (2 茶匙)
4. 粟粉 (適量)

1. 用中火將醃好的免治豬肉炒香,先把一面煎至有些金黃
2. 把免治豬肉翻到另一面,略炒,同時把豬肉散開
3. 當豬肉快熟時,取出備用
4. 如有需要,在同一個鍋中加些油
5. 然後在同一個鍋炒茄子,先煎沒有皮的一面
6. 然後加點水(約50毫升)一起炒,讓茄子快些熟和軟身
7. 當水份已被吸收後,將茄子推至一邊,在空的一邊炒香蒜末,加入冬菇.香菇和甜椒略炒
8. 然後和茄子混合一起炒
9. 當茄子快熟時,加入已炒好的免治豬肉同炒
10. 加入泰式辣椒膏和水(約50毫升)一起炒,讓菜式不太乾身
11. 用魚露和糖調味同炒
12. 當所有材料已熟時,用粟粉水勾芡
13. 加入九層塔.泰國羅勒,略炒
14. 便完成了!

1. 如喜歡更辣的話,可以在第7步驟加入辣椒

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~.~Recipe of Thai Fry Eggplants with minced pork and Thai Basil in English~.~

This is a Thai dish. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/oUOEEaArzbs

If you prefer non-spicy dish, can try our the other version: Fry Eggplant with Thai Basil and minced pork

This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.

1. Eggplant (6-7 slender sticks, cut into halves along the long central line then into big pieces)
2. Minced pork * (1/2 pound)
3. Bell Pepper (1 個, diced)
4. Fresh shiitake mushroom (4-5, diced)
5. Thai Basil (some)
6. Garlic(3 cloves, diced)
* Marinate pork with little soya sauce, sugar, cornstarch, water and oil

1. Thai Chili Paste (2 Tbsp)
2. Fish Sauce (2 Tbsp)
3. Sugar (2 tsp)
4. Cornstarch (some)

How to cook:
1. Fry marinated minced pork over medium heat, first fry one side until it is slightly golden
2. Fry the the other side, fry a bit and break the pork apart
3. When the pork is almost cooked, take it out and set aside
4. Add more oil into the pan if necessary
5. Fry the eggplants, first fry the side without peel
6. Then add some water (about 50 ml) to fry together to soften eggplants faster
7. When the water is all absorbed, put eggplants on one side, add in and fry minced garlic on the empty side of the pan
8. On the empty side, add in black mushroom and bell pepper and fry a bit
9. Mix with eggplants and fry together
10. When the eggplant is almost cooked, add in fried pork and fry together
11. Add in Thai Chili Paste and water (50ml) and fry together
12. Season with Fish Sauce and sugar, fry and mix well
13. When everything is cooked, add the cornstarch solution to thicken the sauce
14. Add in Thai basil and fry a bit
15. Then it is done!

Personal thought and Tips:
1. If you like more spiciness, can add in Chili at the step 7 or 8
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Happy cooking!
