Japanese Delicacy 日式美食: Saikyo Miso Yaki Halibut 西京燒比目魚



1. 比目魚 (4 塊)
2. 味噌 (3 湯匙)
3. 味醂 (2 湯匙)
4. 白酒 (12 湯匙)

1.1 將白酒(8 湯匙)倒入鍋中
1.2 用小火煮白酒至蒸發掉一半(約4 湯匙)
1.3 關火並讓白酒冷卻,備用
1.4 在一個碗裡,混合煮過的白酒、白酒(4 湯匙)、味醂和味噌
1.5 醃汁完成了
2. 清洗並抺乾比目魚
3. 將醃料淋在比目魚的兩面令比目魚入味
4. 把比目魚放入冰箱內醃2-3小時
5. 開始煎比目魚
5.1 把比目魚上的所有醃料弄走或抺走
5.2 用中小火將比目魚的兩面煎熟
5.3 將煎好的比目魚取出並吸走多餘的油份
6. 食用時,將比目魚沾上日本蛋黃醬一起食用
7. 然後就完成了!

我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com

~.~Recipe of Saikyo Miso Yaki Halibut~.~.~

SumLook loves Saikyo Miso Yaki Halibut. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/5hDychi0wrc

This recipe can make marinade for 4 pieces of Halibut

1. Halibut (4 pieces)
2. Miso (3 Tbsp)
3. Mirin (2 Tbsp)
4. White Wine (12 Tbsp)

How to cook:
1. First make the marinade:
1.1 Pour white wine into a pot
1.2 Boil the white wine (8 Tbsp)over low heat until half (about 4 Tbsp)is evaporated
1.3 Remove the white wine from heat and let it cool
1.4 In a bowl, mix boiled white wine, white wine (4 Tbsp), mirin and miso
1.5 The marinade is done
2. Clean and wipe the Halibut dry
3. Spread the marinade onto both sides of the Halibut
4. Marinade the halibut for 2-3 hours in the fridge
5. Start frying the Halibut
5.1. Remove all the marinade from the Halibut
5.2. Fry both sides of halibut over medium low heat until cooked
5.3. Remove the fried halibut from heat and absorb the excessive oil
6. Serive the fried halibut with Japanese mayo
7. Then it is done!

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Happy cooking!
