這食譜可製作出大約醃 6 條豬肋條的醃料
1. 蒜頭(3 瓣)
2. 乾蔥頭 (3 個)
3. 鴨梨.水晶梨 (1/3 個)
4. 味醂 (1 湯匙)
5. 芝麻油 (2 湯匙)
6. 韓式豬排醃醬 (5 湯匙)
7. 醬油 (2 湯匙)
1. 錫紙.鋁紙(1 張)
2. 鐵架子
肉類:豬肋條.豬小排 (0.5 公斤)
1.1 把做醃料的材料1-7放入攪拌器,並攪拌好
1.2 醃汁完成了
2. 把豬肋條.豬小排和醃汁放進保鮮袋中
3. 把豬肋條和醃汁一起按摩一下,這樣豬肋條會更入味
4. 把豬肋條放入冰箱中醃2-3天
5. 烤豬肋條.豬小排
5.1 在鍋底舖上一層錫紙.鋁紙,然後放入一個架子
5.2 蓋上蓋子,用中火預熱3分鐘
5.3 然後把醃好的肉放在架子上面
5.4 蓋上蓋子,用中火焗10分鐘
5.5 將肉翻轉過來,並焗另一面10分鐘
5.6 這樣便完成了!
1. 焗豬肋條時會有些煙,因此在焗豬肋條時請記得關上廚房門
2. 如用焗爐的話,步驟和時間也是一樣
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~Recipe of Baked Pork Rib fingers in Korean Sauce~.~.~
Last time, I used a frying pan to smoke Char Siu and it was a big success. So I again used the same method to bake Pork Rib fingers. Since I always like how pear is used in Korean cooking, I add pear into the Korean Pork Galbi Marinade this time to marinate the pork rib fingers. The baked pork rib fingers came out with mild sweetness of the pear and the pear made the meat less oily and heavy. My whole family loves this dish. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/oRjBeuAglWc
This recipe can make marinade for 6 pieces of Pork Rib Fingers
Ingredients for Marinade:
1. Garlic (3 cloves)
2. Shallots (3)
3. Yellow pear (1/3)
4. Mirin (1 Tbsp)
5. Sesame Oil (2 Tbsp)
6. Soya sauce (2 Tbsp)
7. Korean Pork Galbi Marinade Sauce (5 Tbsp)
Meat:Pork Rib Fingers (0.5 kg)
Materials for baking:
1. Aluminum foil(1 piece)
2. A matel rack
How to cook:
1. Preparation for Marinade:
1.1 Put all the ingredients 1-7 for Marinade into the blender, and blend well
1.2 The marinade is done
2. Soak the meat into the marinade in a zip bag
3. Massage the meat a bit so the meat can be marinaded well
4. Marinade the meat for 2-3 days in the fridge
5. Baking the Pork Rib Fingers
5.1. Lay a piece of aluminum foil onto the frying pan and put in the rack
5.2. Put the lid on, preheat the pan over medium heat for 3 minutes
5.3. Then put the marinaded meat on top of the rack
5.4. Cover with lid and bake for 10 mins over medium fire
5.5. Flip the meat over and bake the other side for 10 minutes
5.6. Then it is done!
Personal thought and Tips:
1. The smoking process produces quite some smoke so it would be better to close the door of the kitchen when you are smoking the pork
2. If an oven is used, the procedure and time needed is the same
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Happy cooking!