1. 您選擇的冬蔭功醬: 森綠在此視頻中,使用了兩種冬蔭功醬
2. 檸檬葉: 5-6片
3. 香茅: 2-4枝,隋意
4. 高良薑.南薑: 2件,隋意
5. 洋蔥: 1個
6. 紅蔥頭: 5-6個,隋意
7. 櫻桃番茄: 8-10個,隋意
8. 蘑菇8-10個,隋意
9. 蝦: 6-8隻,隋意
10. 青檸汁: 1-2個,隋意
11. 淡奶: 3湯匙,隋意,也可以不用
12. 豬骨湯或雞湯: 1.5升
1. 處理檸檬葉: 沿主葉脈撕檸檬葉以釋放更多味道,這樣撕也可以方便取出
2. 處理香茅: 可以分段切香茅並大力拍碎,也可切碎
3. 處理草菇: 用糖,鹽和油焯熟草菇
3. 煮沸豬骨湯或雞湯並將香茅,南姜,洋蔥,紅蔥頭和檸檬葉放入上湯中
4. 把湯底煮至少30分鐘以釋放出香草的味道,如水分蒸發太多或有需要,加一些水,並去掉浮在湯上的殘留物
5. 當湯底已充滿香草的味道時,加入冬陰功醬
6. 用糖和魚露調味: 以魚露調鹹味,不用鹽
7. 加入已焯過的草菇和櫻桃番茄,略煮
8. 加入青檸汁以調節酸味
9. 加入蝦,當蝦熟時,便把他們取出,這樣它們就不會太嚼勁
10. 然後把火調至最小,並加入淡奶
11. 拌勻,放上香芹或芫茜,便完成了!
1. 不同牌子的冬蔭功醬的成份不同,可以單用一隻牌子或混合不同牌子的冬蔭功醬以達至自己喜愛的味道
2. 在泰國,他們會加入淡奶,較少椰奶,但用椰奶也是可以的。其實也可以不加淡奶,視乎個人口味喜歡清一些的味道還是較濃郁的味道
3. 如想加重蝦的味道,可把蝦煮久些,但森綠不喜歡吃太耐嚼的東西,所以喜歡蝦熟不久便取出
4. 可以加入米粉或金邊粉,這便變是一道冬蔭功湯金邊粉。森綠常用剩下的冬蔭功湯煮金邊粉作午餐,既簡單又好吃
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~.~.~.~.~Recipe of Tom Yum Soup in English~.~.~.~.~.~
Tom Yum Soup is voted to be the best soup around the world. It is also SumLook's one of most favorite soup. There are a lot of differnt brands of Tom Yum Paste available. There are some differences in their ingredients. SumLook has tried a few brands and found the two brands of Tom Yum Paste used in the video quite tasty (see pic below). You can use only one brand or mix different brands of Tom Yum paste to get your most favorable taste. This recipe is very easy and yummy. I hope you like it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/GZYvpHaHY0w
This recipe can serve 4-5 persons.
1. Tom Yum Paste of your choice: I have used 2 brands in the video
2. Kaffir Lime Leaves: 5-6 pieces
3. Lemongrass: 2-4 sticks
4. Galangal: 2 pieces
5. Onion: 1
6. Shallot: 5-6
7. Cherry tomato: 8-10
8. Mushroom: 8-10, personal preference
9. Shrimp: 6-8, personal preference
10. Lime juice: 1-2, personal preference
11. Evaporated milk: 3 Tbsp, personal preference
12. Pork Broth or Chicken Broth: 1.5L
How to cook:
1. Kaffir Lime Leaves: Tear the Kaffir Lime Leaves along the main vein to release more flavor
2. Lemongrass: Crush hard on the lemongrass and cut into a few piece
3. Blanch the mushroom with sugar, salt and little oil
4. Boil the broth and then put into lemongrass, Galangal, onion, shallots and Kaffir Lime Leaves
5. Boil for at least 30 minutes to release the flavor of herbs
6. Add in some water if it is needed. And remove the residue floating on top
7. When the broth is full of flavor, add in the Tom Yum Paste. In this video, 2 kinds of Tom Yum paste are used
8. Season with sugar and fish sauce for the sweetness and saltiness
9. Add in blanched mushrooms and cherry tomatoes
10. Add in the Lime juice for sourness
11. Add in the shrimps. After the shrimps are cooked, take them out so they will not be too chewy
12. Turn to lowest heat and add in the evaporated milk
13. Stir well. Garnish with Parsley and it is done
Personal thought and Tips:
1. Different brands of Tom Yum paste include different ingredients. You can use one brand or mix different brands to get your most favorite taste
2. In Thailand, evaporated milk is used in Creamy style Tom Yum Soup. Coconut milk can also be used if you prefer. In fact, for Clear style Tom Yum Soup, no evaporated milk is needed.
3. If you want to instill more shrimp favor into the soup, you can leave the shrimps in the soup for longer time, but the shrimp will become more chewy when you eat it. Personally, I like the shrimp to be crushy and not chewy so once the shrimps are cooked, I remove them from the soup and later serve them when the soup is done.
4. To make the soup become a meal, some rice noodle can be added into the soup then it will become Noodle in Tom Yum Soup. Sumlook always uses the left over soup to cook with rice noodle, which can soon turn into a simple yummy lunch.
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Happy cooking!