1. 蘿勒葉(約3-4杯)
2. 松子(1/4杯)
3. 帕瑪森芝士 (1/2杯,視乎個人口味)
4. 橄欖油(1/2杯,要足夠攪勻青醬)
5. 檸檬汁 (3茶匙)
6. 核桃(4-6顆,隨意)
7. 大蒜·蒜頭(3-4瓣)
8. 鹽(1茶匙,隨意)
1. 把蘿勒葉洗淨,抹乾,盡量不留水滴
2. 把松子和核桃在煎鍋上或焗爐裡烤至淺啡色
3. 把堅果、大蒜、鹽放進攪拌機打碎和拌勻
4. 把蘿勒葉、堅果混合物、檸檬汁和一半分量的橄欖油放進攪拌機打碎和拌勻(如攪拌機較小,此步驟可分數次做)
5. 加入帕瑪森芝士和剩下的橄欖油到混合物,再攪拌和拌勻。便完成了。
蘿勒青醬意粉 (1人份)的做法:
1. 在盤內混合1-2湯匙的蘿勒青醬和剛煮好的1人份的意大利麵,加入約1湯匙的煮意粉得水
2. 拌勻後再加入帕瑪森芝士和松子
3. 完成
我也有寫Blog介紹旅遊,有興趣可到這網址: http://travel.sumlook.com
~.~.~.~.~.~Recipe of Pasta with Pesto Sauce in English~.~.~.~.~.~
Pesto Sauce is SumLook's most favorite Pasta sauce. I enjoy the aroma of Basils and really love the refreshing taste of Pesto sauce. I have tried some Pesto sauce in jars which can no way be compared with the freshly made one. So I decided to learn how to make the fresh pesto sauce. Here is my recipe and hope you enjoy it.
Please click on this link to see my video: https://youtu.be/cdBG6pWx0gc
This recipe can make Pesto sauce for 5-6 persons.
Ingredients for Pesto Sauce:
1. Basil leaves(about 3-4 cups)
2. Pine nuts(1/4 cup)
3. Parmesan cheese (1/2 cup, depend on personal taste)
4. Olive Oil(1/2 cup, enough to blend the sauce)
5. Lemon juice (3tsp)
6. Walnuts(4-6 pieces, optional)
7. Garlic(3-4 cloves)
8. Salt(1 tsp, depend on personal taste)
How to cook with Pasta (1 person portion):
1. Mix 1-2Tbsp of Pesto sauce with a just cooked 1 portion of pasta, with 1Tbsp of water used for cooking pasta.
2. Then add in Parmesan cheese and pine nuts. Done.
1. It is better to cook 1 serving of pasta each time. It is easier to handle the thickness of the sauce and the texture of the pasta.
2. Cook the pasta with sauce when the pasta is just cooked. It is even better to add a little bit of water used for cooking pasta.
We also have a blog on travel, please visit at http://travel.sumlook.com
Happy cooking!